The Lady Quill Chronicles - The Promise - Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

Rafe returned to the camp at dusk with the bitter knowledge that Lord Kyule was lost to him. It was not precisely that he wished for revenge, that he would have taken pleasure in killing him, but that he hated knowing that there was someone out there who would harm his kin as a means to hurt him.

It was not only himself that was in danger now, but his Father, his Mother, Esme and Aisly, Finan and Leofric, Rand and Eda, Daegmund and Anlaf and of course, Adele. Until Lord Kyule was dead anyone with whom Rafe had friendship was marked for his wrath.

He dismounted throwing his reins to Kenric and making his way to Finan’s tent, he could hear the hum of voices as he neared. The light from the fire dazzled his eyes and for a few moments he stood on the threshold blinded.

“Rafe!” it was Leofric’s voice and he turned blinking against the light.

“Hello Fricka,” his eyes searched the rest of the tent looking for Adele and so that at first he did not see his Father.

“You look tired Rafe,” Lord Brogan commented.

A few quick strides and Rafe was on his knee before his Father, Lord Brogan's hand clasped tightly in his.

“What do you do here sir?”

“I am come to see what problem takes my son so long to resolve,” answered Lord Brogan with a smile.

Rafe looked towards Leofric.

“How much have you told him?”

 “Only that which I knew, which was not so very much,” returned Leofric.

“Did you find him?” asked Rand eagerly.

Rafe shook his head and standing, held out a hand toward Adele. She stepped forwards and took it as Rafe pulled her to rest against him, laying his cheek briefly against her hair.

“You’re tired Finn,” she murmured.

“A little,” he admitted, then he smiled. “I told you I would take care did I not?” he turned back to Rand. “Kyule made for Mercia's border, once he was on King Aethelbald’s lands there was little we could do.”

“A clever plan to go to King Aethelbald for protection, he has much information that will be of use to Mercia,” mused Lord Brogan.

“Tis more than that sir, Rand is here because it became known to him that a Lord of Wessex wished to kill both me and Adele, Lord Kyule has planned this for some time.”

“Why? Why would he wish you dead, it still makes no sense to me,” broke in Finan.

Rafe sighed wearily.

“I believe that mostly it was because he resents the power and influence that Valrek wields,” he returned. “He seems to think that we have been treated with an unfair favour,” Rafe turned toward Lord Brogan. “You remember Father, how Lord Kyule came to Prince Aedelred’s and my aid in the battle of Calis?”

Lord Brogan nodded.

“Yes of course, it was his bravery that earned him his position as adviser to King Ine.”

Rafe rubbed a hand against the rasping growth of the day old beard upon his chin.

“He seems to think his valour was not adequately repaid and I was favoured above him.”

 “Great goodness, why?” exclaimed Lord Brogan.

“Because Adele was given to me and not to him,” replied Rafe. “He said that we'd grasped at the power her lands would give us and demanded it for ourselves.”

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