Part Two

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Troy woke up and threw the blankets off himself, another dream about that dam alien, he thought last night was bad, thinking of just kissing Orion's soft pale lips, just, his eyes widen as he slammed his face into his pillow.

This dream was different, they found themselves sitting in a candle lit room that appeared to look like the inside of what he guessed a spare room in the command centre, telling by the rock walks. He had Orion wrapped around his body, hand in hand, Troy couldn't remember want they said to each other. He was thankful they didn't do anything else, was he? Did Troy want Orion, inside of him?. He blushed at the thought and dug his face into his pillow, again.


"What happen this time?" Jake chuckled watching Troy slowly put his books into the locker "did you guys kiss, or start to do the do"

"Arg I just can't let him out of my dreams, I haven't even talked to Orion this week" he exclaimed "Jake you gotta help me!"

"Whoa calm down, aren't you seeing him later anyway?" He questioned

"See who?" A females voice wondered, both boys turn around to see Gala, staring at both of them with a confused look in her eyes

"It's just a friend" Troy covered up

"But I thought we were going to hang out t finish our science project?" She sighed

"We can do it second break, it won't take that long you just need to add your part to it" he told her

"But you know I like my lunch break, who is this person you are meeting anyway!" She crossed her arms

"A special friend" Jake added in, Troy elbowed him in the ribs "ow"

"What do you mean 'special fiend'?" Gala exclaimed

"Don't listen to Jake, I just, um, I just can't do this afternoon, maybe tomorrow, we can work on it over at my place, my parents are not going to be home and I can lock my cat in my room" he cleared up

Gala just looked at him and sighed "I'll meet you here tomorrow after school" she flips her hair over her shoulder and walks away. Troy sighs in relief as Jake recover's from the hit to the ribs.

"Least you sorted out that" he chuckled "but seriously Troy ow!"

"Sorry I didn't mean to that hard" he apologised

"Come on, let's meet up with the others to talk about your plans for this afternoon" Jake smirked putting his arm around Troys shoulder


"Are you going to talk to him" Emma whispered to Troy. After school ended both teenagers made their why to the local park, Jake seemed to ran off somewhere else and Gia and Noah had other plans. Troy was glad it was just him and Emma and oh no.

Troy frozen as Orion walked over to them

"Hey guys!, jake told me to meet you here, he said you wanted to talk to me" the alien smiled,

Emma smirked and looked over to Troy "yea Troy was going to ask you something"

"Emma no" Troy whispered

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Orion questioned "did I do something wrong?' Troy are you okay?"

"Yea I just wanted to talk to you, alone" Troy said

"Oh okay, why don't we go over to the bench over there?" Orion asked, Troy nodded his head and the two boys walked off, Emma's phone started to ring, she picked it up and spoke

"It's go time"

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