Chapter Five: Vampire

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Garrett smiles as he caries her back to the house. Carlisle was waiting inside as he was talking to people. Lily was asleep, snuggled up to Garrett. He opens the door and everyone awed.

"Were home?" Lily asked as she rubs her eyes.

"Yes we are love." Garrett said.

Esme smiles" Well then, I see you two had well we all know." She said smiling.

Lily giggles" Yea, were together." She smiles.

"Now, you know you have to be one of us right." Esme said.

"Well I was going to as you if I could become one, but I guess I don't have to." Lily said.

Esme nodded as Rosalie signs and gives her a nodding. Lily looks at Garrett as he set her down.

"This might hurt a little." Garrett said as he bites her neck.

Carlisle leaves the room a bit upset. Everyone leaves for so that Lily and Garrett can have privacy.

Carlisle signs" Why did she chose this?" He said to himself.

Esme smiles" She chose it, because she loves him." She said as she walks up to him.

Carlisle signs.

"Yea, I mean if you love someone then they would stay with them." Emmett said smiling.

Jasper nodded as he holds Alice close. Mean while Garrett finishes and Lily was asleep, and he walked out.

"It's when is she going to wake up?" Garrett asked.

"3 days." Emmett said as Bella walks up to him.

Carlisle leaves as he was mad.

"He is not taking this well is he..." Esme said.

Three days past as then they herd a noise coming from the room. Garrett went in and saw Lily sucking blood from a deer.

Garret laughs" When did you wake up?" He asked.

Lily giggles" 20 min's ago silly." She said.

Garrett smiles as everyone enters and they stare.

"What?" Lily asked.

"You looks beautiful." Bella said smiling, then someone came.  

Blood Singer |Garret| [Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now