chapter 1

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It was getting closer to the Quidditch world cup and they had already got their school things.

"We're going to visit Scott today!" James said. She nodded. "So go get dressed!" He added. She went upstairs and got dressed. When she got downstairs she saw that neither Tonks or Andromeda were there. "Ready!" She said.

They got to St Mungos and into Scotts ward. As they got in Neville and his grandmother were leaving. As she walked past she scoffed. Lavina stopped her. "Excuse me! Have you got a problem! If not don't scoff walking past us!" She said. "I do have a problem actually. Your mother tortured my son and his wife. You come and show up here. He deserved it!" His grandmother said. "Did he? I mean it was our mother who did it not us! She went to azkaban for it along with our father. Have you ever seen anyone get tortured infront of you?" Lavina asked. "No, no I haven't!" She said. "Yes exactly. I have. James and Scott over there and I saw your son and his wife get tortured too! Let me tell you, no one deserves it at all. You go on talking about how he deserved it, you don't even know what happened so don't go talking about it!" She snapped.

"Well at least you have parents that know you!" His grandmother said. "Oh, yeah! They may be alive and may remember me. But my parents ain't seen me since I was like 3 or 4. I'm probably not going to see them again. At least he gets to see them!" She hissed. His grandmother and Neville left. Scott looked at them. "Some of us want sleep and your up in here arguing!" Scott said. James turned to her "3 or 4?" He asked. "Shut it!" She sighed.

They left St Mungos. "You really shouldn't have argued with her!" He said as they flooed in. "Who'd she argue with?" Tonks asked. "Mrs Longbottom!" James said. "Well I don't blame you. She is a bitch! "Tonks said. Lavina and Tonks started laughing. James just rolled his eyes at them.

At 6pm she got a letter from Fred. It said.


Mom said you both can come round tomorrow then we'll go to the Quidditch world cup in the morning after.


She told James and agreed. Tonks had told them they had a new cousin. Who was Tonks's long lost brother called Jacob. "He'll be over with mother soon!" Tonks said. "I told Cameron, Carl, Wynter and Rose that they could come over." James said. "Ok so am I the only one who missed the memo that said 'bring friends over tonight'?" She asked. James was smirking. She gave him a single stare and his smirk left his face.

Carl, Cameron,Wynter and Rose flooed in. They all tackled Lavina to the floor. "Fucking hell. Get off of me!" She said. The jumped off her and Lavina saw her aunt Andromeda and a man who looked like he was in seventh year standing there. "Language Liv!" Aunt Andromeda said. "Whatever" she sighed giving Carl, Cameron, Wynter and Rose dirty looks.

They all burst out laughing. "Almost the world cup!" Rose smiled. "Who you lot going with?" Tonks asked. "Mother" Cameron, Wynter and Rose said. "The smiths" Carl said. "Weasleys" Lavina and James said.

"Well James, Lavina, Rose,Wynter , Carl and Cameron. Jacob will be doing his seventh year in Hogwarts." Aunt Andromeda said. "You'll love it. Times Lavina argues with Malfoy is the funniest. Like last care of magical creatures she punched him. He's her cousin too." Carl said. Jacob looked worried. James swiftly kicked Carl.

"Well that was only because he talked badly of my family name and St Mungos!" Lavina laughed nervously. "How about that time Percy almost killed you!" Wynter added. "He what?" Tonks asked her hair turning bright red. "I caught her in time!" James assured her. "Yeah how about you lot shut up about the lovely memories!" Lavina smiled. "Fred also told us about the time you embarrassed Percy infront of the whole of Gryffindor. Something about a fork, cough sweet and dying of laughter! " Carl added.

"Oh, that was so funny. George threw a fork at me but I ducked. It hit this Mason kid and I humiliated Percy!" Lavina smiled. "I wish we were there" Wynter said. "Could you guys help him on his first day?" Tonks asked. "Even though our group of mates are in third, fourth, fifth and sixth year we'll welcome him in." James said.

"Third. Who's is third?" Carl asked. "Ginny, you idiot!" Cameron snapped. "One third. Four fourth. Two fifth. Five sixth and now one seventh!" James said.

They all had dinner and got to know each other. The door bell went. "I'll get it!" Lavina said. "What if it's a dark wizard?" Tonks asked. Lavinia raised an brow at her andwent to the door anyway. "Hello" she said. Fred, George and Ginny came in. They joined them. They all talked and laughed all night.

"Well see you tomorrow" Ginny smiled as her and the twins left. "We wasn't expecting them!" James said. "James Lastrange you are such a liar. Remember I can read minds. " Lavina said. Carl and Cameron started laughing. "Guys your letting me down!" James hissed. They all soon started laughing.

After many hours everyone who didn't live there left. "I wonder what house Jacob will be in!" James wondered aloud. "Whatever. I'm going to bed!" She said before going upstairs.

The next day they went to the weasleys at lunch. Mrs Weasleys came up to them. "My dears, my children have told me loads about you two. We're just about to have lunch. Go join them" she said.

They found the weasleys, Harry and Hermione. "Hey guys" James said.

Lavinia Lastrange book 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant