Rebels- Scene VI

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King Haile:

"I do not want to allow thee to leave the Castle, for it will surely endanger thee. Thou art mine only daughter!"


"But I am not thine only child! What about Amul? Hast thou forgotten that he's thine own blood just as me, Tekle and Gigar? Tekle is a mighty Prince. He hath discernment and is wise in words just as in actions. He is a good Archer.
Look at Gigar!
His only ambition is to make thee proud, but he doesn't possess the intelligence that Amul hath, for he hath led thine army to victory more than Gigar did. Thou hast never lost a battle thanks to his military strategies to keep the tower safe from danger. But, hath he ever received a cordial embrace from thee for his conquests? Thou art selfish! I am speaking on behalf of those who do not have the power to say it themselves. Thou art failing to keep peace within our home. That's the most shameful thing for a King. Isn't it, father?"


"Silence! Thou shalt show respect toward our father. Thou owest him all of thy possessions and even thy life. For my concern, thou hast uttered words of profanity against me. How darest thou talk about shame, while thou art hiding thy shabby self behind thy dress of sins? The sin of betraying thine own ethnicity, besides having the blood of a mixed child flowing in thy veins? How can thee explain thy marriage with him? Our people will never accept such union. I'll make a bet on it, Candace. They never will!"


"I have been silent for too long! Now, it's time to deliver that dolour out from within me, for it starts to become like a deadly illness eating up my bones. My heart feels as light as an autumn leaf inside of me. It's drying out, leaving almost no oxygen for my lungs to survive. Therefore, I will speak, and I will not allow thee to intimidate me!"


"I am a Prince and I take my responsibilities to heart. Do you?"


"Whether you like it or not, Amul deserves a greater position in the Kingdom. He should be working alongside with us and be honoured for everything he did, but also as our blood. Argue not our sister on that matter, for she's telling us the truth!"

King Haile:

"Silence! Ye know not what it means to be a leader. It's to respect your people's will and put your own desires aside, no matter how much it hurts inside. You kill the pain and keep the tears away, so you don't become weak. That's what I did before I married your mother, who died shortly after giving birth to you, Candace. I do not want the three of you to turn your backs on one another. I did not raise ye this way."


"I respect thee, father. Yet, we never had the right to choose. Wherefore, where is the freedom that thou claimest we have? I witnessed Tekle telling thee that he wanted to focus on Arts and literature and not the training to participate in battles. Do you remember what you said?"

King Haile:

"Candace, stop."


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