Chapter Five~The Wedding

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“Oy! Mates!” She called in her rugged voice. It was something she’d become alarmingly good at over the years. Marianna had a naturally raspy essence in her voice.

“Perce! You’re early, lad.” Bill greeted with only a nod. The crew murmured their greetings.

“Listen, I need your help. It’s the Navy-“ She pulled over a mask of fear and apprehension. It caused the crew to turn their attention to their distressed mate. “-They’re after me. If I don’t go, then they’ll find my family and slaughter them. Please, mates, I need you to get me out of Kingston.” Bill and his men had paused to test the legitimacy of his tale, but Marianna urged them on. “Please, we don’t have much time. I can tell you everything when we’re out of Kingston.”

“You know what this means, mate?” A younger, hairy one asked. “We riskin’ our necks for ye. What if the Navy comes after us?”

Marianna, fully used to lying, began to become antsy. It was a show, she had hours to convince them. The wedding wasn’t until the morn of the morrow, but she preferred to keep with her haste. “I know how much you’re sacrificing, and I promise I will repay you one day. Please, this is my mother, my father- my sister.” It was all a lie, one that she only lightly felt guilty about. It surprised her how hardened her emotions seemed.

They took their time considering it, and Marianna began to cast anxious glances to the nearest alley, as if expecting the guards to charge out at any moment. The crew saw it, and they too became anxious.

“Alright,” Bill said. “Lads, get ready to set sail for Tortuga. “He cast a glance at Marianna.“ They’ll never bother with ye there.”

“Thank you, Black Tooth.” With her heart now pumping rapidly, she began preparing to set sail. The crew moved with the haste that she had hoped for, and soon enough they were aboard the vessel. The vessel’s sails had been fully released, and the wind caused it to slice through the waves at such a speed that Marianna had almost deemed it impossible. As preparations for the water's embrace were continued, murmurs amongst the crew began arising. They were apprehensive of the wedding the next day, what would be said when it was found out that they had left? They weren't invited, and trades hadn't ceased due to the event. Whatever the outcome be, they'd rather miss a wedding than have the young Percy be sent to the gallows.

As the Schooner relieved itself of the harbor, and soon of Kingston entirely, she placed herself at the bow of the ship. The night’s wind whipped at her cheeks, reddening them to a rosy complexion. Marianna cast a longing glance back at the port before squeezing her eyes shut and bidding farewell to the life she was leaving behind. 

She hoped that Benedict would accept her departure, and wouldn’t venture after her. The same thought went to her mother and father. It would only do them ill to try and find their daughter, she was too far along with her plan to ever return.

“So mate,” one of the crew began. She remembered his name was Edward, but most called him Eddy. “What exactly did happen that set the guards on your sorry arse?”

Marianna removed herself from the bow of the ship and set herself on the deck. “I said the wrong thing. I threatened them, they were beating an innocent…” She trailed off. She was all too aware that it gave the man the vibe that she was reluctant to continue. She did, despite it. It was only an act, after all. “When I hit him, he said that I should run. If I didn’t, then God awful things would happen to myself and those around me... I’ve seen him before, he knows where my family is. I told my family to hide, and they relocated. Now it's my turn.”

She cast one last longing glance at Kingston. It was now only a small speck in the distance. Her longing wasn’t entirely for effect this time.

“Aye, that was good of yah, Perce. I’ll make sure the crew don’t pester yah ‘bout it.”

Bloody Maryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن