Don't want you to go

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Sierra's POV

     I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust them to the light shining from the window. I squinted as I looked around the room. I was in my best friends room.

   He came in minutes later with a grocery bag. "Hey you" I smiled at him sitting up and clutching his pillow to my chest. It smelled just like him.

    "Hey, I bought you some food" he tells me setting the bag in front of me. I looked  in and saw my favorite snacks. Cheddar ruffles, symphony Hershey's bar, yoo-hoo chocolate milk , white cheddar cheez-its and a bottle of water. I could shed tears of joy.

"I'm so glad God created you " I told him biting into my candy bar. He chuckled, and sat down in front of me  watching me with a smirk. I sighed " I had this weird dream too" I say before taking a sip of my chocolate milk.

  I wiped my mouth when I was done. " you came over right, and you told me that you were leaving for military school this Friday."  I laughed. "Isn't that ridiculous because  apparently  you got in  a fight with your stepdad and he wanted to press charges but, your mom and him decided to send you to military school" I say rolling my eyes with a laugh. "Isn't that crazy?"

   I nudged his shoulder with a playful smile but, he didn't return it. His expression was blank. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I ask him. I sat my snacks aside, and scooted over closer to my best friend. His eyes were all blue. He was so sad.

"What's wrong?" I reiterated.  He sighed pulling me closer to him. He blinked a few times. "Tell me" I whispered. "Remember when I told you that Frank called my mom his favorite whore" he asked his blue eyes blazing with anger.

I nodded "b-but that was a dream you're not leaving for military school for real, we have to finish high school together we we have to-"

"I'm leaving tomorrow Sun" my heart dropped and stopped, it felt as small as a raindrop. "Moon you can't leave me" I whisper a single tear falling down my eye.

"It's already done" he yells standing up and pacing around his room. "If I don't go Frank will press charges on me, and my mom she's so dumb!" He kicked his dresser." She stays with him knowing he treats her like trash! I'm the one who holds her after they fight and she just takes his side! What the hell kind of mother is that! I hate her I hate Frank!" He screeches while throwing a picture frame across the room. It better not be a picture of us...

      His breathing became unsteady as he began to punch the wall. Every punch ripped me apart on the inside. He punched it with a fire in his eyes. I was stuck on the bed with my jaw dropped. I didn't know what to do. When I saw blood on the beige wall and his knuckles my legs decided to be useful.

    I walked over to Moon and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He stopped his attack on the wall the minute I did this. I felt his body relax under my touch and his breathing slowed down. He turned around and returned my hug.

We both sat on the floor me in his lap bridal style and my arms still around him. "I hate them" he said. "Shh just relax, just relax" I soothe rubbing his back in a peaceful motion. He laid his head on my shoulder. Seconds later it became wet with his tears. I cried along with him. I cried because I was gonna miss my best friend when he leaves. I cried because I wish I would have told him how I felt about him. That I loved him more than a friend, and I cried because I knew he didn't feel the same way.

And that's what we did for the rest of the day.  We just held each other and cried.

I woke up in my bedroom the next day. I probably fell asleep in Moon's room and he brought me home. My heart  constricted painfully at the thought of him leaving. I closed my eyes hoping this was a bad dream. I hope it isn't real.

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