Chapter 2- Stretching Out my Eye-Rolling Muscles

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There were very few things that made me happy. School was not one of them. Though I was thankful for it,a nd was anxious to learn all I possibly could, interaction with anyone my age made me cringe.

Like most teenagers, I couldn't wait until the final bell, where I could grab my things, and bolt out the double doors, headphones already in.

However, the final day of my San Fransiscan education was extra difficult. 

Not on purpose, I had made many friends, like I usually do. For some reason unknown to the universe, people gravitated towards me. I wasn't bubbly, or obnoxiously loud, but I assume my generally eccentric, slightly-insulting sense of humor and outward attitude of what-the-hell-ever seemed to draw people in. I gave off the idea that I didn't really care about what others thought. And I didn't. 

Whenever I moved, I started at the bottom, as the self-proclamed new girl. I kept my head down, avoided eye contact with anyone who could potentially be interesting, and ate lunch in the bathroom stall. However, by the second or third day, I was lured out of the restroom and subtly forced to sit and play nice at the table with the pretty popular people. I knew it wasn't where I'd belonged, since I'd always be looking over at the group of people that seemed as though they were having more fun than I was, which was usually anyone else in the cafeteria. Including the lunch ladies.

So, that last Monday, I felt my entire student body break down in alligator tears.

"Is it true? Are you going?"

"To New York to be an actress?"

"We're friends on Facebook, right?"

"But you're so hot."

Just kidding about that last one. If anyone had the guts to say that to my face, I'd punch them in theirs. 

As soon as my Chuck Taylors hit the tile floor, I was advanced upon by Georgia Bell. 

"Andy told me that you're leaving. Ohmygod I'm going to miss you so much." She went in for a hug, and unknowingly shoved a wad of her platnum blonde hair into my mouth. 

As politely as I could, without gagging at the smell of her Chanelle perfume, and the taste of her Herbal Essence shampoo on my tongue, I hugged her back. "I'm going to miss you too. You and Mercedes." Of course, Mercedes wasn't a person. It was her car, an Audi, which confused me to no end. 

It was a convertible, cherry red, with black leather seats and the Barbie logo stickered on the side. Everytime I passed it in the lot with my dad's old truck I wanted to take out my calculus textbook and bash at the hood until I saw the ground underneath, but we all have to maintain some amount of self control.

"Ohmygod, I know that you, like, just got here but I don't know what I'm going to do in Physics without you."

Just what you did the first three months without me, stupid prick. "Ohmygod, I don't even know either."

"And ugh. Who am I going share my sandwich and Robeks with?"

The starving villagers in Africa. "I dunno, Liv, I guess." Ha, jokes. Liv wouldn't eat. 

"Did you here she missed her period?" She pulled out of the hug, eyes wide as quarters, feigning worry.

"Yes. I get weekly updates on Liv's menstrual cycle."

Georgia laughed, and slapped my arm, causing me to bite my lip. People touching me, especially like that, was a big no-no.

"No, but like, do you think she's pregnant?"

"If she is, I hope it doesn't get Dan's nose." Dan being her Jew boyfriend. 

"It's not that bad."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2012 ⏰

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