"Yeah," I grinned, "be a laugh," she smiled at that biting her lip. I thought I saw her roll her eyes before she looked back at me, but I couldn't be sure.

"Thats what you think..." She giggled, "my family are hell,"

"Everyone says that though don't they," I chuckled shrugging her off before she stopped me in my tracks.

"You don't say that..." She said carefully, "and Alice doesn't say that, Saff doesn't say that..."

"Yeah okay okay I get it..." I smirked taking my turn to roll my eyes. "Fliss we'll be fine, we'll play a drinking game during the speeches," that drew a laugh from her lips, her eyes twinkling back up at me, "we'll get pissed and when we're pissed we'll have a dance yeah, you an me an Mambo No.5..." I winked, grinning a little too proud of myself when she burst out laughing. I was sure they'd have heard her down the hall.

"Sounds fun," she smiled up at me biting her lip where she lay practically underneath me.

"I didnt even get to the good bit yet," I smirked licking my lips, my voice a little lower, a little smoother as our eyes locked again and she drew me in. She watched me quietly, I could tell she was concentrating on controlling her breathing, I could tell she was trying to keep her composure, but that only tempted me to push her buttons a little more.

"What's the best bit?" She asked, her voice quivering slightly as I ran my fingers up her arm, trailing a line along her collarbone slowly.

"At the end of the night when everyone else is stumbling around by the bar getting their last orders in, we'll sneak off back to our hotel room," I spoke slowly leaning down to her, holding back a smirk when I realized I held her attention entirely, "and I'll have been waiting all day to touch you, an kiss you an..." She smirked a little then, her hand on my neck, her finger tracing the line of my jaw. For a moment I lost my words, she held me transfixed with her honeyglazed eyes catching the light, her lips slightly parted, her breath faint.

"And?" She asked breaking the silence which had ensued.

"And..." I started still too caught up in her beauty to say anything else, I brushed her cheek with my thumb, ran it across her lips, thought about leaning in, pushing mine against hers and messing her bed up... "And," I paused holding back a laugh before leaning down, placing a kiss on her neck, feeling the tension peak, so thick we could hardly breath and then... I cracked a grin blowing a raspberry on her pressure point, laughing when I felt her whole body convulse beneath me, her legs shooting to her chest, her arms wrapped around me for support despite the fact that I was the evil perpetrator of the crime.

"Van you bastard!" She shrieked giggling into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her, scooping her up into a wriggling little bundle. Her laughter was contagious as she writhed around in my arms struggling for breath, shaking with it as I struggled to hold on to her.

Eventually she calmed, softening once more, her legs wrapped around my waist, my hands holding hers. She felt tiny with my palms pressed to her skin, cupping her waist, thumbs brushing either side of her belly button as I looked down at her, took her in. She was watching me, I could feel her eyes on mine, she was watching my gaze with a smile on her lips, feeling please with herself because she knew, despite my last trick, she still held me captive.

"Are you going to kiss me properly now?" she smirked with her fingers toying with the loose strands of hair and the top of my neck.

"I haven't finished explaining my plan yet," I grinned catching her off guard.

"Do you have to?" She giggled back twirling her own curls around her fingers.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do... Appropriate time management and planning is extremely important..." I started with a more cheeky smile, feeling like Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting.

"Yeah well I prefer it when youre inappropriate," she couldn't stop herself from smiling, I couldn't stop myself from smiling back.

"Oh so she wants inappropriate?" I smirked running my fingers down to the waistband of her leggings. "After they call last drinks, that gives us about half an hour, 40 minutes before the bride and groom go home right..."


"Thats 40 minutes to ourselves, to make the most of being alone," I saw her smile grow a little, "before we sneak back down to the party, make a big song an dance of saying goodbye to your sister, and then drunk dance our way through Don't Want To Miss A Thing or whatever other cheesy rock ballad they put on for the last dance, and no one will ever even have noticed our absence," she was grinning by the time I'd finished, smiling with me as I spoke.

"I like the sound of that a lot," she said pushing herself up to kiss me, her legs tightening around my waist as I pulled her up with me, sitting against the headboard with her in my lap, our lips locked together as we pushed closer and closer to one another, my hands making their way down her back and then up her top, running over her shoulder blades, down to hold her waist and then up once again. Her hands wandering up my chest, playing with the neck of my tshirt as she watched my with sparkling eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," I smirked when she did, one hand slipping beneath her bum, the other helping her out of her T-shirt as we both got s little carried away.

Oxygen (Catfish And The Bottlemen/1975)Where stories live. Discover now