When Tristen walked through the door he was talking to his friend Austin but he had to leave him at the door because Austin doesn't have this class. When he reached my table I decided to ask something that I've been curious about but didn't think it was my place to ask but the curiosity is getting the best of me.

"Hey," he said sitting down placing his arms on the table.

I turned slightly towards him putting my hands in my lap. "Hi," I went silent not knowing how to ease into the question so I just jumped in. "Um, what happened between Ash and Austin?" I asked. He glanced at me then away, tapping the table. "If you don't mind me asking but it's okay you don't have to tell me." I said facing the front of the class.

"No," he said quickly, "it's fine, I can talk about it. It's just there's not much to tell." He took a deep breath than began. "Last year they started to date. It started to get serious which freaked Austin out. He's more of your player type; he doesn't stay in a relationship for very long." He paused. "Actually his and Ash's was his longest, a month. But he freaked and ended it. Ash was heartbroken." He said.

Ash is still heart broken, I wanted to say. I kept my mouth shut though; they're not my feeling to tell.

Mrs. Hunter called us to attention then after taking role she ushered us to the lab. Me and Tristen tried to work on our paper. I kept reminding him why we were here not to mess around on the internet but to do work. He said it will be there when Monday comes around.

"So what's going on with you and Tristen?" Amber asked licking the ice-cream off her spoon.

I shrugged. "Were friends, anatomy partners. Not much to tell." I said sticking my own spoon in my mouth.

She shook her head pointing her spoon at me. "I know that look he gives you. It's more than that."

My stomach fluttered and hope sprung up in me and I felt a smile began to break across my face but I stopped it. "What look?" I asked looking away.

"The one he gives to every girl he starts to like." She said digging into her ice-cream.

I frowned. "And you would know that look how?"

She glanced at me not saying anything.

"Oh," was all I said. He gave her that look.

"Don't worry, nothing happened. Roxy made sure of that." She said.


"Remember? She doesn't like completion." She pointed at herself. "Used to be one of her best friends, until Tristen gave me that look, now I'm the loner." She said. "Now you're not just on Queen Victoria's hate list but Roxy's too. Wow you're on a role." She said shaking her head.

 "Yeah," I said feeling the dread drop in my stomach like a dead weight.

When Sunday came around I had no idea what to wear. I'm usually not one of those girls but this is a family barbecue so I'm assuming I had to wear something nice but casual at the same time. So I decided on washed out pair of jeans with a long sleeved fitted white shirt. I let my hair air dry so it was all wavy and curly, I pulled on my converse looking in the mirror one last time hoping I did okay. I went to the bathroom to finish getting ready and when I was done I went downstairs hopping mom was ready. She's giving me a ride to Tristen's since it's a farther walk to his house then the school is.

"You look nice." She said with a smile.

I looked down at my outfit hopping she's right. "I hope so." I told her.

She hugged me knowing how nervous I am. "They'll love you, Anna." She said giving me a squeeze.

"Thanks mom but we should go or I'll be late." I told her feeling my stomach knot up. I bite my lip, feeling different emotions run through me at the same time.

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