Chapter 1: Red

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Warnings: Mentions of violence, Traumatic events 


Jullian's pov.

The night started like any other would, Avery stepped into the colorful light of my computer to inform me that my best friend of four years, Elijah, had been waiting at the door. I jumped up immediately and threw on my favorite red jumper. I knew this would be a long night. Whenever Elijah and I went out on the town, we usually got into trouble. Whether it be stealing biscuits from the convenient store, or breaking into the beach at 3am, we always seemed to find ourselves breaking rules. I quickly slid down the railing and found myself giving my younger sister one last reassuring look before running out to join Elijah in his Toyota.

 We drove for what seemed like hours. Wanting to have a calm night we decided against making any stops, other then to refill the gas tank or get another coffee. It was around 1am now and the night was still young. We decided to take a trip down memory lane and drive past our old high school. It seemed like only yesterday that we graduated, with blue caps flying all over stone walkways. When in reality it was a whole year ago. Everything seemed calm and at ease, the leaves of the trees were swaying in the cool autumn wind and I swear I could hear the town river flowing in the distance. However I felt a sudden feeling of dread, which was only amplified when I saw a grey sparrow looking down at me from the top of a decaying tree.

I quickly shook it off as nothing more than my anxiety acting up. But for some reason, in that moment I looked over at Elijah. I looked at the way his eyes were gleaming in the moonlight. The way he always bit his lip when he was trying to focus. I never did get the chance to come out to him. Too worried he wouldn't be accepting, I always shied away from the topic when it was brought up in conversation. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash and I started feeling a sharp pain shooting up my right leg and a burning in my ribcage. I heard screaming and commotion in the distance and all I could see was red.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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