Chapter 9:"Like Father, Like Daughter"

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I remove myself from her, she grabs my wrist demanding me to stay, straddling her.

"Diana, I just wanna get dressed. We have somewhere to be today."

"Fuck that." She pulls my closer, her mouth to my ear. "I wanna get undressed." She whispered.

I release myself from grasp. "Be ready in ten minutes." I irrigate, disappearing behind the door.

Ten minutes later, I open the door to find her sober and dressed. She was wearing the same outfit from when we went to the music festival. I was going to warn her about her cleavage exposure, but I bit my tongue and let it slide.

Diana, a few body guards and I leave the hotel using the back door of the hotel, to avoid being surrounded by fans. But much like I anticipated, fans swarmed around the limousine like bees in a hive. Police formed a barrier to keep the fans from being ran over. Finally, with no one injured, we were driven to our destination.

Wayne clears a path for us, letting us dart into the building as quickly and safely as possible. A majority of this outlit, the first floor at least, was absent if fans and paparazzi. There were a few reporters, from which I agreed to have here, and some clerks and sellers.

Diana had followed me around, then eventually wandered off to the keyboards. She played a few keys, testing them out. Then out of nowhere, she started playing a familiar song, At last. I watched in astonishment.

A small group of three men, one holding a camera, filmed her. "I found a thrill to press my cheek to, I thrill that I've never known." She sang.

A jubilant smile, took over my cheeks, as she moved us with her voice.

Once finished playing the last keys, she gazed at me, her eyelashes delicately flapping like butterfly wings.

She arose from the small stool, landing her lips onto mine, throwing her arms around my shoulders. Her affectionate action, caused her to knock a camera out of the poor man's hands. I removed my lips from her and apologized. "I'll pay for that."

Twenty minutes later, as we are still wandering around, Diana follows me with a gift that I bought her, a video camera. She records me, interviewing me like some sort of news anchor. "We are here with the notorious Michael Jackson. Now tell us Michael, what is it like being so damn sexy?"

I play along. "Well Ms Rockwell, I must say it has it's ups and downs. With being so sexy, comes with such a big responsibility. But there is one upside, sexy attracts sexy. I've recently stumbled upon a sexy woman myself, I forgot her name....Diana, I believe?" I joked holding an invisible microphone to my lips. "Back to you Ms Rockwell."

She brought the camera down, her body hunched forward with laughter.

Later on we find ourselves back to the suite by 6:45 pm. The tension between the two of us was high as the heavens above.

I don't know what happened. She was perfectly fine once we left, now she has an attitude. God knows where it came from...possibly from the liquor she devoured on the way back...

She went to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

I swear this woman's attitude was starting to wear off on me.

I started to become irritable myself, slamming things and aggressively cleaning up after her. I bite my lip trying to contain the anger of a thousand demons within me.

I was stopped, due to the sound of shattering, coming from the bed room. I threw the empty bottle of liqour to the ground, I'm pure fury "Diana!" I snapped, busting into the room. She's broken a lamp, which left a dent in the wall. "Are you out of your g**damn mind?! What is wrong with you today?!"

"Fuck you!" She shouted, throwing a bottle of whiskey at me, missing my head by an inch. This really set me off.

"That's it!" I marched around the bed, grabbing her by the waist, carrying her to the living room. She tried fighting me, kicking her legs, and hitting my back. Finally, I placed her on the couch, holding her arms in place, restraining her from causing any harm to me...or herself.

"What is the matter?" I growled.

She didn't answer. I lifted her chin, for her to make eye contact with me. Hers were bloodshot and full of tears. It'd been obvious, she'd been drinking heavily during her little tantrum in the room. It dawned on me that, this morning she was hammered but she reacted more...sexually. But once more, causes this. The more she drinks, the more aggressive she becomes.

I noticed she became calmer, so I released her arms, with a heavy sigh. "Diana, please tell me what's wrong?"

"Hehehehe. You know, my mama always said I was a spitting image of my father. And boy was she right." She began. "Every aspect...every move....every FUCKING attribute. I was always told that I'd inherited his green eyes....his smile....and his problems... His favorite drink, was any drink, much like me..... Anything that could make you numb, was his idea of paradise. He was a big smoker too...and when we ran out of poison, he'd burn ya. Grab your wrist, flip it and dig a cigar right into the veins...." Diana turns over her wrist, revealing scarred burn marks upon it.

My jaw quivered a bit at her story, and how non-chalaunt she was about it.

"It hurt but, I just drank the pain away. You know... Like Father, Like daughter..."

Her face bared a blank expression, her eyes said otherwise.

"Diana, it's okay to cry." I embraced her tightly, I could feel her back jump followed by a few sniffles, letting me know she was sobbing.

A few minutes into her cry, she pulled herself away, forcefully but gently, assigning herself to the balcony, for a cigarette.

The pain I felt for her was so strong, I wanted to apologize, I chose not to. I felt it's be best to let her alone.....

September 12th, 1987, 8:45 PM

"Everything is fine, Charlene. Hehehe, I love you too. Bye." I finish my call with Charlene, finishing off the last touches of my liner.

Diana, silently did the same. She's not as upset as yesterday, but she hasn't spoken very much today either.

I kiss her cheek, "Ready?".

"Mhm.." she walks alongside me, until I reach beneath the stage, we split.

The crew and I perform hit songs like: Wanna be startin' something, This place hotel and Human Nature..
But soon it gets to I just can't stop loving you..

Diana singing backup, Sheryl sang with me.

"We can change all the world tomorrow

We can sing songs of yesterday

I can say hey farewell to sorrow

This is my life and I want to see you for always!"

We sang to each other, I felt as if I was singing it for the first time again. Like I did with Charlene.

I was so caught in the moment, I could've sworn that Sheryl was Charlene at the moment...

I'm missin' my girl.......

I am aware I took pretty long to finish this chapter. I had writers block, I was lost on how to end this chapter properly the way I wanted, not to mention I was writing future chapters, so I was also pretty focused on that. So sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy the story.
~💋Dirty Diana💋~

💋𝓓𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓪 💋Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora