Chapter 2

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Hey, it's Emma again. Apparently, I'm supposed to write in this at least once a week so here I am. Just a warning, the rating of my journal has been changed because there's some references and hotness that shouldn't be read by children's eyes. Henry, if you've been reading this, I warn you—stop, if you don't want to be scarred for life. Alright, first prompt.


How and where did your grandparents meet?

Snow says they were betrothed when they were young at her mother's coming of age ceremony, but that's boring to talk about. What's really fascinating is how Regina and I met. You may think it was when I brought Henry home to Storybrooke, but that's actually the second time. The first meeting was so much more entertaining.

So, here I am, 21 years old in my prime, on my very first assignment. Some crummy guy was skipping out on his court date for overdue parking tickets (a stupid reason to risk going to jail for) but he couldn't resist trying to get some with an attractive blonde girl. I offered to buy him a drink after booting his car, and he accepted. I took a drink as well, not wanting to look suspicious. Little did I know; the bartender was his buddy and had slipped a little something extra into my drink.

Before he had a chance to take advantage of me in my drugged state, I revealed the real reason I had invited him out. The guy took off, but not before knocking his chair over in front of me which I then tripped over and twisted my ankle. I shook off the pain and chased after him, disoriented yet determined. I couldn't fail my first day on the job!

I watched in confusion as the guy got into his car and sped off into the night. I had booted his car—how could he have done that?!

"God damn it!" A woman cursed as she approached the car that I had mistakenly booted.

Knowing I fucked up big time and my guy already long gone, I limped over to her to explain myself. "Uh, hi," I stammered, not sure where to start. This woman was beautiful and older than me with a black spaghetti strap dress and matching 5-inch heels. Her dark, brunette locks were cut into the style of a bob, and her makeup was smoky, finished with a plum-colored lipstick that accented a little scar above her lip.

The woman glared at me, her chocolate brown eyes flashing and her teeth clenched in annoyance. "Are you the reason for this?" She demanded, motioning to the yellow boot on the front tire.

"Yeah, my name is Emma Swan. I'm a bounty hunter and I accidentally booted your car instead of my guy's. First night on the job." I began to sway on my feet as the world around me began to spin.

"Maybe this isn't the job for you," the woman coolly clipped. Concern quickly overtook her features as she studied me. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head, trying to fend off the dizziness. "I'll be fine. The guy had the bartender spike my drink is all. Twisted my ankle on the way out here." I laughed humorlessly, knowing I most likely won't have a job in the morning.

Apparently, this woman didn't think it was very funny. "You most certainly aren't fine. Who knows what was in that. Are you even old enough to drink?"

"Just turned 21," I answered, pulling my keys from my clutch. "My apartment is just around the corner. I can make it."

Before I could move, my keys were ripped out of my hand. "Absolutely not."

Anger sparked within me, and I glared at the woman. "I'll remove your boot and let you on your way. Just leave me alone."

The woman gave me a glare of her own. "So another man can take advantage of you? I don't think so. Where's your car? I'll take you to your apartment."

The Story of My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें