Chapter Two

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She, who could see all natural and supernatural, was blind.

Joanne arched her body, attempting to relieve the pressure of the unnatural twist to her wrists bound tight behind her bowed back. Struggling to stand, she cried out when her legs, frail and uncooperative, proved unable to support her aged body and she crumpled to the floor. 

A noise roared ahead of her. Her body shook with the vibrations that resonated through the cold wood floor. The air held the stench of sulfur. It lingered and settled into the pores of her flesh. The smell grew stronger and Joanne gagged. An icy chill breeze teased her left cheek and she twisted, desperate to escape the permeating odor and gasped as a sharp object tore into her skin. 

The heavy thud of a footstep sounded off to her right. One after another, until they stopped in front of her. Tremors shook her body as a hot, foul breath covered her. Jagged claws clenched her face forcing her to cry out. Droplets of blood wound their way down her cheek, mixed in with her tears and fell to her shoulder.

A horrific sound echoed through Joanne’s mind. 

“You are mine.”

FALLEN - Nephilim Arise SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now