"Awww! My bro is in love!" He pulled my cheeks.

"Fuck off pandya!" I rolled my eyes making him laugh.

"Umm Hey since you are her bestfriend you might be knowing everything about her! So i want to know some things!" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"I knew it! Go on! We have time till we land" he grinned.

"Okay so what about her boyfriends?" I started.

Crossing my fingers hoping she hadn't  have a long list like me!

"Ahem! So not like yours uncountable! But ya she had one or two and that too back in her college days! After that she didn't found anyone to settle for. She have always believed in true love nothing less than that and that's why till now she has only focused on her career and she had all left on destiny to choose the right person for her" He smiled a little.

Okay so one or two only! That's okay!
Ugh! But why even those one or two are bothering me! Stop being so possesive kohli!

"Fine! So destiny has chosen right person for her!" I grinned batting my eyelashes.

"Umm so Pandya! One more question! Is she...you know what i mean? Has  she done it?" I cleared my throat and was finding hard to ask this. I know this is a stupid question but still i want to know.

"What? Bro are you mad? How does that even matter? You too are not virgin! How can you point on her? What if she's not?" He lost his control.

"Hey! Hey! Am sorry i know it's stupid of me to ask this coz even i am not and it doesn't even matter but still pandya pretty please i want to know! I want to know every single thing about her and i can't ask her this directly atleast for now!" I almost pleaded him with my eyes.

"Ughh! Fine! Only coz i know you really like her. Yes she is! She never found anyone to trust that much! It's really a big thing for her and until she totally have faith in the guy she won't give away her virginty. I know her more than she knows herself" He said making me relieved.

You have no idea pandya! How happy you made me! It's not that it mattered if she wasn't but i love knowing that i'll be her first and last one!

"Thanks Pandya! I love you!" I exclaimed holding his face between my hands making him laugh.

"So i am happy you two gonna be together god knows when but don't ever hurt her! Am telling you Virat she's my bestfriend! I want all the good things for for!" Pandya said in a serious tone.

I was kind of happy to see how he really cares for her but a part of me was jealous like bro now i am here to take care of her! But it's okay that's what bestfriends are for!

"Easy boy! I won't hurt her ever!" I sighed.

I settled myself back on the chair after clearing everything that was on mind and i was sure that this is the girl.

My girl!

The flight landed safely and the team bus was waiting for us.

"Hey! What were you talking to Panda? I saw you both didn't stopped talking for a second in flight!" Niku said as we sat in the team bus.

"Oh! So you were spying one me? You can't keep your off me baby!" I said sticking my tongue out.

"Shut up! I was just asking!" She rolled her eyes.

"Sorry! It's bro's talk! Bdw you too were giggling with girls i didn't asked what you were talking about?" i raised my eyebrows.

"Oh! Please girls have so many things to talk about" She replied looking outside the window.

Soon we reached the team hotel and it was already night so we just went to our rooms to take rest as tomorrow was the practice session before match.

"Where's my room?" She said as i made her entered in our room.

"So what's this?" I asked in an obvious tone.

"We are going to stay in same room?" She asked surprised.

"What do you want? Everyone to see Virat Kohli's girlfriend staying in separate room?" I replied and threw myself on bed. I was so fucking tired.

"Oh! Fine! Then i'll sleep on bed and you on couch! Thankyou!" She smiled batting her eyelashes.

Smile to die for!

"Excuse me? We both will sleep here! What's the problem am not gonna eat you or if you want i can do that also" I winked stretching my arms all over the bed.

"What if you took advantage of me when i'll be asleep!" She said crossing her arms over chest suspecting me as if i was a criminal.

"Oh! Please! Virat Kohli don't have to force himself on anyone! There will be a time you'll be screaming my name on the top of your lungs and then you'll be the one begging to share bed with me!" I said raising my imaginary collars up.

Babe! Don't doubt on Virat's capabilities!

"Sheesh! Dirty minded kohli!" She playfully rolled her eyes biting her lower lip.

Oh god! I love this girl!

"Well am gonna sleep for now! It's already 11 and we have early morning practice session tomorrow you can lie down whenever you want!" I yawned putting on the blanket over me.

"Okay! Sleepy head! I'll just change till then you sleep!" She said moving towards the bathroom.

"Should i help you in changing?" I grinned.

I love to tease her!

"Good night Mr. Virat!" She turned away but i could see her cheeks getting red.

Love was just a four letter word until she came and gave meaning to it.

//Fall in love with someone with whom you can share the things that you're afraid to tell anyone//

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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