Chapter 5: The Football Game

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"You're welcome. I would give you a high five or something but I'm all sweaty."

I shrugged, I stuck my hand out and he gave me a high five and we laughed  

"Jake you're up." His coach said

Jake nodded, he placed his guard back in then placed his helmet back on. He made sure it was placed on properly. He turned to me face me again, he smiled. I had to try really hard not to laugh

"I have to go." He said

His words were a little muffled due to the mouth guard 

"Okay, kick ass." I said as I smiled

"For you, I will." He said

He stood up and ran off back onto the field but before they started he gave me a wink. The rest of the game was intense but he kicked ass just for me, and well he had to in order to win. Jake got a pounding that's for sure, he was tackled many times.Each time he got up and kept playing like it didn't happen. After a while my face started hurting, I haven't smiled this much in a long. Even though my face was hurting I kept smiling 

Once the game was over all the players shook hands. After that everyone started to leave the stands. Once everyone left the stands, I walked down to the arch where the players came in. I waited until all the boys got changed before I even went there. I got there and I was envious at what I seen. Girls were crowded around him, he couldn't even see me. They were all around him, drooling over him and squealing. I sighed I decided that I'd better leave, my anger has almost reach its maximum for the day, and almost it's total maximum. But deep down inside I knew he was better off with them and not me

I walked away from the arch and away from the field. I stopped walking when thoughts came into my head. Why am I feeling this way? I've known the 2 guys for 2 days and I'm having these unexplained feelings for them. What is wrong with me? I decided to walk continue walking into the parking lot, almost everyone is gone by now. I looked around that's when I seen the last few people leaving and soon after I was alone. I still walked in the parking lot, trying to figure out which car was Jake's. That wasn't hard because there was only three or four cars left. While I was distracted trying to figure out which car was Jake's someone came up and grabbed me by the waist. At first I thought it was Jake maybe he seen me walking away and he was playing around with me

"Hey." I said not looking back

Then I realized that the smells didn't match up. That was not Jake's sent. I tried to turn around but the person griped me harder. I struggled to move, who was holding me? Why were they holding me?

"I see you're Jake's new girl. You'll end up like all the rest." He whispered in my ear

I kicked and shook myself trying to get out of this persons grip. He chuckled as I struggled, I was getting angry. I stopped struggling and I could feel my eyes starting to burn with fire. I slowly closed my eyes then opened them to reveal my red ones. As I was about to turn around to face they guy who has me to scare him, he was sent to flying. The impact of the hit was so strong he let go of me. I fell forward onto the ground with a thud, but then I heard a second thud just seconds after I hit the ground. I fluttered my eyes and the burning stopped, I knew my eyes were back to normal. I scrambled to get up to see what had happened

I looked over to see the guy on the floor he wasn't moving, he was out cold. Rhen I looked up to Jake standing there with the other boy who talks to me when I'm alone. They stood feet away from each other in front of the other guy who was on the floor. My chest was rising and falling as I tried to catch my breath. I stood there looking at them as they glared each other down, they didn't even say a word to me. It was like I wasn't even there. I looked down at the ground again, the guy who had me was still not moving

"Uh I'm okay. Thanks for asking." I said waving at them

It was like a trance they were in but once they heard my voice they looked over at me. They both came towards me. Once they both were steps in front of me they looked back at each other again. What was going on here?

"What are you doing here Luke?" Jake asked the other boy

"I seen a girl in trouble, I wanted to help. I wanted to protect her." He said

"Do you know her?" Jake asked

He looked at me, tilted his head, then shook it side to side


"Look go run off with your girlfriend, I'll take care of her." Jake said

Jake came over and wrapped me in a sideways hug. I cuddled into him, for the warmth and comfort he provided. The boy gave me a look and walked away, it was a sad look but it was soon replaced with a blank look. He didn't talk to me at all, but he sure did look at me. We heard a sound, Jake and I looked over at the other boy. He seemed to be coming to his senses again then he got up got up, he came towards us then stopped. He looked over at Jake and he was about the same height it seemed. He walked back over to us and Jake held me tighter

"I see you have a new girl."

"She isn't my girl, she is my friend. Now go away."

He guy looked at me. He walked past us but stopped when he was close to me

"Watch yourself." He said

He walked away without another word. Jake gently took my arm and hooked it with his, he acted like nothing happened as we walked to his car. I didn't ask anything just yet. He opened the door for me and I got it. He got in and we left, that is when I started to ask questions

"Who was that guy?"

"He's an enemy. What ever he said to you, don't listen to it. He's just trying to start shit." He said

"He said the I would end up like the rest. What does that mean?"

"Look Kat, I've had a few girlfriends but I just never fell in love with them. He just trying to make you think that I'm going to use you so you will stop talking to me."

"He must really hate you." I said

"He does."

"What happened?" I asked

"That's a story for another day." He said

I just nodded, I didn't want to bother him about that because he never bothered me about anything that I didn't want to talk about. He sighed, he shook his head

"Are you okay though?" He asked

"Yes, I'm fine. I could have protected myself." I said

"Like I said, you're my friend now, I will protect you." He said

I nodded. He asked me where my house was, so I told him where I lived. It was now dark and I know my foster mom would be flipping out. I haven't looked at my phone most of the day so I wouldn't have answered her. That was a very big no no. Soon we pulled up into the driveway. I unbuckled my seat belt

"Thanks for the ride." I said as I opened the door

"Wait." He said

I looked back at him. I moved back because he opened his arms. I gave him a hug then he kissed my forehead, in the same place the other guy did, um Luke I think his name was. It's odd I'm not in a relationship with either of them, so why are they kissing my forehead? It was odd and new to me. We let go and I got out

"See you tomorrow?" He asked

"Yes." I said

I smiled and walked into the house and that was when I came face to face with my foster mom

"Where have you been?" She asked

Now I have to explain everything 

"Where do I start?"

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