later that day

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After we moved my dad from his computer chair my family arrived along with an ambulance.i went over yo my ither neighbor Mrs. D  and i hung out there for awhile i messe  got a vacume. Next thing you know there is a knock on the door someone answeres it snd its my aunt's. I found out later that they revived my dad and he kissed my grandma's cheek. And said give this to Elena for me. I just wish that i could have given him another hug or a kiss. After that my aunts broughtme back to the house and i gotmy clothes  and brought them to her house. That day was a school day. Fromtgat day forward until the rest of the year her aunt and uncle brought her to school so she could finish the year off at that school. She had many friends at that school then the next school year started

The Worst yearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ