1- Sad inside, in this life

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The TV's shut off. Cameras stopped recording. But I was there. I saw the whole thing, all of it. The stage collapsing... The look of fear in Kaede's eyes. The screaming and running of others. All of it... I saw it all.

I knew I shouldn't have let her go. I'd seen the stage, I had seen how run down it was. Heard about It falling apart. She went there to preform anyways. I came to watch.

I came to watch, and I watched her die. The great 'boy detective', witnessing a death. I shook softly at the memory. Oh God it was all coming back to me.

I locked myself in my room and fought back tears. Its been two months. I should be over this by now! But I can't. She was playing the song she always said she'd play me. 'Clair De Lune'... It's the only song I listen to nowadays. Long gone are the days of Panic! At The Disco and endless hours of research. Here rise the days of classical piano and learning to play it.

I wasn't very good.

With a faint sob I pushed myself against my bedrooms wall. I took a gasping breath and pulled my knees to my chest, sinking into them.
Four... Inhale... Seven... Hold it... Eight... Exhale... Repeat.
I kept that in mind until I was calm. Or at least mostly calm.

My room was dim. A keyboard was pushed against a wall, facing my bed. I didn't want to look at it right now. I rubbed at my weirdly coloured eyes, brushing away the tears lingering on them.

I didn't wear my hat anymore. Not much anyways... There were days that were to dark for me to face anyone.

It sounds dumb to be beat up so bad about this- I know... I know. It's just that, I was anxious and kept to myself a lot before I met Kaede. She got me to open up... To talk to people even though I was scared. Kaede was amazing... And now she's gone. And I blame myself.

Then my phone rang, snapping out of my thoughts. I shoved my hand into my pocket and grabbed it, checking the contact.

That One Avocado Kid
I let out a dull chuckle. That would be Rantaro Amami. He insisted that that's the contact name I gave him. Something about it being a goal of his to be known as that. Personally, I thought it was dumb- but I didn't comment on that.

Then I realised the phone was still ringing; I cringed at my own stupidity and picked up," Um... Hey Amami... What are you calling me for?"

The receiver let out a coy laugh- I could imagine his face with it.
He stopped his laughing and said," I'm hosting a party in a few days. Would you like to come? I... Promise that they're isn't going to be any intoxicants. Just some friends. I decided to invite you because some of them seem like... Your people I guess."

"Fine..." I said, after pondering it for a moment.

I didn't get out enough to begin with. Amami thanked me and gave me more information before hanging up. The party was Saturday, it was Thursday now. So... Not the longest time to prepare, but Amami said it was less of a party and more of a gathering.

Fast forward a couple of days of school life I don't have and I'm standing at the doorsteps of Amami's house. Taking a deep breath and biting my lip, I knocked carefully on the door.

I heard a scramble, likely Amami and one of his sisters as I don't really think a guest would do that.

Turns out, I was right as a panting Amami opened the door, quickly smiling," Hey Saihara, I'm glad you could make it. You're just on time- as to be expected from you."

He ushered me inside, surprisingly it wasn't as chaotic as it could be. I mean, there was a small male chasing someone who seemed to be an albino- but that was about it.

"Ignore them..." Amami mumbled, obviously this wasn't uncommon.

"Heeey! Hey Kiiboy!" The small male said, trying to grab the other boys wrist," Hey Hey!! Do robots have dicks?!"

A collective groan sounded from everyone else in the room as the albino male just hurried off. That was just as a girl walked up to me, looking... Basically dead inside if I'm honest.

She glared at me and held out her hand for a shake," Amami told me to introduce myself... My name is Maki Harukawa. Don't introduce yourself, I know who you are."

So, I just awkwardly shook her hand and mumbled," oh... Yeah... I-I think I've seen you around school before."

And with that... She simply walked off. I was alone, not that I minded. I just fumbled with my headphones and started playing music through my phone.

Clair De Lune... Again. Not willing to cry in front of others, I fiddled with my phone softly. Just screwing with the settings and such.

"You are going to break your phone if you keep doing that," a slightly monotonous voice rang suddenly, making me jump.

I turned and saw that albino boy from earlier, a forced smile on his pale lips.
"Oh..." I mumbled anxiously, it seemed as though I'd gotten to the data settings without much of a thought," thank you I suppose..."

"You are very welcome! My name is Kiibo, though I am known as the Ultimate Robotics Student... Or the 'Ultimate Robot'... I-if it is easier..." The boy said, audibly and visually shrinking down slightly.

I don't think I'm going to be calling him that.
After a moment I figured he was waiting for a response," um... My name is Shuichi Saihara... I'm the 'Ultimate Detective'... Th-though I don't really deserve that title... It's nice to meet you Kiibo."

The boy- Kiibo- smiled awkwardly wide and just looked over at my phone.

"Clair De Lune? That's quite the somber melody for a party, is it not?" Kiibo suddenly said, his tone was softer than before.

I then realized he was playing music as well, a pair of Bluetooth headphones half on his ears.
Looking at his phone as well (deciding he wasn't weird or freaky) I saw a familiar song," I Am Not A Robot? Marina and The Diamonds, right?..."

Kiibo just nodded softly. We spent the rest of the party talking and listening to our music. At the end he gave me his number, I may or may not have blushed slightly at that. Out of embarrassment of course...

This ship is pure and I'm trash okay?!

Word count: 1122

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