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Turns out dad was having an avengers reunion to inroduce the avengers and new agents being inducted into the Avengers project. He isn't expecting me for another two weeks so it's supposed to a suprise. Pepper planned this so she had my dress ready for me. It's dark royal blue with strings of silver beads wrapping around the waist and
has this wave like curl that ends at the bottom of the dress, right above my knees. My shoes are silver heals that have a strap running across my foot and wrapping around my ankle. Pepper curled my hair and held my bangs back with a pearl beaded clip. And I am warring the silver owl kneclace with a pearl in the middle that I got from dad for my 16th birthday.

"Wow, Ana you look beautiful. Your father is going to be amazed."

"Are you sure? It's not too over the top for a reunion?"

"Oh, honey, your father is a billion air, I dont think he will even notice. Beside you look just fine, not to fancy and not to casual. Just perfect," she replied with a smile. "Okay, let's go the party has already started and we're running late."

As we started walking towards the living room downstairs I assesed Pepper's outfit. She looked amazing. She was wearing the olive green dress she had worn at the party before Tony was kidnapped. Pepper is and will always be like my second mom so if she says I'm beautiful, well then I going to believe it, she has a great fashion sense and I trust her with ny life.

"You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

"You look great and everyone is going to love you, so don't worry about it, okay?"


She smiled and braught me to the stair case. It led down and straight into the living room where everyone was at. I saw dad with his back turned to me talking to Captain America and Dr. Banner. I felt Pepper nudge me forward and so I started walking down the steps. Slowly, people started noticing my presence, which I didn't want, and turning to look at me. I had just reached the middle of the stairs when I saw him. Peter Parker. He was walking in from the kitchen with a drink and happened to look at the same time as I saw him. I just stood still and stared at him. What is he doing here? I thought this was a avengers party? What's going on? My thought were interuppted when my father turned around to see me and his eyes went eide.


I broke my gaze with Peter to meet my father's and smiled. "Hi daddy."

His face broke from his confused gaze and into a huge smile. "Wow, you look so beautiful and why do you look so grown up?"

I rolled my eyes at my father's question."I look grown up because you haven't seen me since I was a baby."

"Right, well seeing as you looked grown up and everything, I was hopping you would have lost that attitude of yours. But J guess not all dreams come true."

I smirked at this. "I can't, it's not possible."


"Cause your my father." Everyone in the room laughed at that comment. To bad dad doesn't realize he will never win a verbal argument against me. I missed him. I missed this and I'm glad I have it but I miss mom now.


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