You're worth it

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I want to tell everybody out there that you're worth it no matter what. I support you and I don't want you to feel worthless. Nobody should go through the pain of being depressed and mistreated. You are perfect just the way you are others can criticise you but know that more people will support and love you. Don't feel like barbed wire you aren't making people go away by being yourself it's just you pushing others away you don't want to be hurt but you don't realise that by keeping this distance it is causing more pain to yourself don't live for others live for yourself I am certainly not a great help just a ignorant 13 year old but this 13 year old wants you to feel good about yourself to love yourself. If you feel ugly just know that you started as a blank canvas and you are painting and changing yourself all the time 'pretty' and 'ugly' aren't what people are people are people and that will never change you are you the popular girl/boy is the popular girl/boy if they are popular during school it won't last after school in the outside world people aren't classified as popular to unpopular everyone is equal it should always be like that so know that i support you no matter where you live, what religion you follow,who your friends are, no matter what we are all humans we make mistakes no one can change that.
If you actually got up to here I love you even if I don't know you I'm being sincere you all are worth it respect yourselves and your lives as shity as they may be there will always be a rainbow after the storm the storm that may seem endless but you just have to wait
Love you all from what is left of my heart love yourselves ❤️💛💚💙💜💗

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