The Price of Living

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                 Why did she have to suffer for my sins? My daughter, my lovely daughter, taken from me because of my own selfish and cowardly deeds. Alex did nothing wrong! I wish that I could have been strong enough to save her. All it would have taken to save her would have been my own worthless life; a small price to pay and yet I could not do it. In the moment that my own daughter needed me the most, I turned my back on her because of my own Pride.

                 I should have known that he’d follow through with his threat. He killed everyone that crossed his path and yet I thought that he couldn’t do that to a child. When he arrived at my house, he demanded that I come out. I then noticed that he had my daughter with him. I could see him standing there with his gun pointed at her head, she pleaded with me to save her. Knowing that I was his real target, I told him that she meant nothing to me, only a pawn to achieve a greater goal. I thought that if I could convince him that I didn’t care for her, he would need to kill her. It seemed for a moment that he believed me when all of a sudden I heard a bang! In that instant, my sweet and innocent little girl was taken from me, her last thoughts being that I didn’t love her!

                  What is the point of living anymore? All I do is cause death and suffering to the people I love. How can I atone for all of my great sins? How can I get revenge on the monster who took everything from me?

                 Charles will pay for the sins he’s committed! No, I won’t kill him just yet. First I have to make him suffer as much as he has made me. I will kill his daughter right in front of him and only then, after he knows the pain that I now live with, can he be allowed to die. This will be my goal in life, my reason for carrying on with my sad existence. This burden that I now bare will be my payment, hopefully it will be enough for Alex.  

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