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December 5th, 2028.

It's 3am and I haven't slept a bit. For the past couple of hours, I've seen someone hiding, watching me. I'm dead tired, but my mind has gotten used to staying alert. I'm a bit glad I don't sleep much, because I always have nightmares. I feel hopeless when I sleep, that's why I'm constantly on the move. The shadow is still there, just watching me as I write. I want to stop writing and run, but my anxiety is holding me back. I want to call out to it, ask who it is.

I stopped writing then and stared directly at the shadowy being.


It jumped and ducked behind a dumpster. If it was anyone from Styles' group, they would've chased me off awhile ago. I attempted to speak to them again, but they wouldn't emerge from their hiding place. I sighed and stood up, grabbing my things. I couldn't stay here knowing someone was watching me, so I began sneaking away.

"Hey," a voice whispered from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around, watching the shadow move out from behind the dumpster.

"Are you Eva?"

I nodded as they moved closer, the street lights showing a bit of their face. The male had light brown hair and soft eyes. He looked as if he was moving slowly and carefully so he wouldn't frighten me.

"I'm Liam," he said, "I've been reading your notes, and I want to help you."

He stood in front of me now, and I couldn't think of anything to say. I haven't interacted with anyone for a long time, and it was a bit terrifying, to say the least.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

I never said where I was going in my journal entries, and the fact that this Liam guy had been watching me half the night was a little sketchy.

"I'm sorry, I know after the chase yesterday that you're afraid, and that's understandable, but I really do want to help. I've had about as much human interaction recently as you have," he stated, not bothering to answer my question.

I ran a hand through my hair, not knowing what to think. I'd been writing those papers for so long, hoping someone would find me, but now that someone has, I just want to be alone.

"I'm just trying to get to America," I told him.

"Everyone is, but they're not safe anymore, so there's nowhere to go."

My eyes widened slightly and I could feel all color drain from my cheeks.

"What do you mean by that?"

Liam stares at me in disbelief, and I look at him the same way.

"You haven't heard?" I shook my head. "The Styles' went over there, attacked multiple places. Don't think they'll stop 'til everyone is dead."

My thoughts were completely jumbled, and I couldn't even speak. I felt all the breath escape from my lungs while my thoughts drowned me. I had family there, that was my only getaway. What was I supposed to do?

"I need air," I gasped.

Liam tried to help, but nothing worked.

"That's my home, that's where my family is," my panic attack was getting out of control at this point.

I mean, fuck, I was outside and I still was desperate for air.

Liam was able to calm me down, and as I felt the bitter air slowly climb back into my weak lungs, I also felt warm tears stream down my now pale cheeks. The only thing I could think as I blocked out Liam's words was that I had to get to America now, no matter the weather. My sister and brother were there, as was my grandmother, as far as I knew. They're the only family I had after my parents passed, until I was taken.

Liam and I jumped when we heard multiple noises and we looked up at the news screens to see a man standing with a pistol.

"Eva Jamison," the speakers echoed as the man spoke, "we have your sister-" a shot went off, "-and now we don't."

The same feeling I had felt just moments before came back, but it hit me much harder now than it did before.

"If you really want to save your precious family, turn yourself in. We'll be waiting by your previous hiding area. If you aren't there by 5 o'clock tomorrow evening, they'll all die, just like your parents."

The screens clicked off and I was frozen in place.


"You have to help me," I cried out, dropping to my knees.

Liam dropped, too, and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't want to go with them, but my family is more important than my well-being.

"I'm going," I exhaled, pulling away from the boy's calming grip.

"What? No, no you're not!" He pulled me back into his arms, "You've spent almost 4 years of your life successfully hiding from them, you can't just give yourself up now!"

"That's my family, Lia-"

"They did the same thing with your parents, Eva! Why else would you be all the way in London? It's their game, like cat and mouse. You can't go."

I stared at him blankly, feeling almost helpless.

"You don't get to tell me what to do! You're just some...some stalker."

His face went soft and I instantly regretted the words that came out, but I turned around and began to re-trace my steps before anything more could happen. He followed close behind me, and we were both quiet the rest of the walk.

I would do anything for my family, even if it cost me my own life.

(Sorry hi im complete shit at updating and writing in general also my chapters are v short cuz i suck but thanks for reading)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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