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Love Simon :-) (on behalf of Peanut, Whitey and Vijay)

The fans of course freak out. Why wouldn't they? Finding out that their favourite frontman is in hospital is unsettling for them but they have been sending love and support which is important. Rick has been reading through many tweets from fans as he lies in bed feeling very rattled and uncomfortable but he feels supported.

The pain has lessened thanks to lots of pain medication and having the band coming and going as well as Zosia. He is looking forward to her visiting later on, it is always the highlight of his day because despite what has happened recently this has brought them closer. So when the door opens at just after one in the afternoon he smiles widely. 'Where are the guys?' Zosia asks as she sits herself down at her boyfriend's bedside. She looks terrible. Her skin is even paler than usual but with the added extra of large black bags under her eyes. She hates sleeping without Rick.

'I sent them to have some lunch.' He replies and puts his hand out for her to take which she does so, letting their fingers entwine. 'I don't blame you.' This isn't the first time he has said this to her but by the look on her face he feels like it needs repeating.

'You should. It's my fault you're in this mess.'

'You didn't push me in front of that car.' He grunts, 'It was my own doing.'

'But it is my fault that you ran out.' She argues, 'I feel incredibly guilty Rick but I do think we need to continue the conversation.' The conversation. It isn't a conversation that he wants to continue but it has been hanging over them the past few days as he has laid in bed.

Because he wants her to have the baby, he wants to be a dad to a son or daughter which he can bring up and nurture. He wants carry his child around and show him or her off the world because they will be perfect especially with Zosia as their mother. 'Is there a conversation to have? You seem pretty set-'

'Marry me.' She blurts out making him gasp and swallow his words. He's speechless. He doesn't know what to say.

There isn't silence in the room because of the rhythmic beating of all the monitors wired up to him but it feels like it is until he manages to stutter, 'What?'

'I don't fancy getting on one knee but...I really want us to be together until death parts us and all that.' She's nervous and is stumbling over her words which Rick thinks is adorable. 'I probably shouldn't bring up death in a hospital.' She wrings her hands anxiously so he puts out his hand to invite hers into his. 'Sorry this is a pretty shit proposal.'

'I can't believe you're proposing at all.'

'Is that no?'

''s a yes! Definitely a yes.' She almost throws herself at him (without causing any further injury of course) but she needs his lips on hers. Seal it with a kiss. He has to push her back when he starts to find it difficult to breathe...broken ribs and all.

'Sorry.' Her cheeks turn pinker in embarrassment but he is grinning and so is she.

'Don't apologise...I can't believe that this is happening especially after what you said-'

'I was just scared.' She interrupts him. 'The thought of having a baby is terrifying but I've seen how you are with Whitey's kids and Vijay's kids. You will be a great dad.'

''re not going to...?' He can't even say it, the number of nightmares he has had since their conversation a few days ago is frankly ridiculous but it shows how much it affected him. To have all those people haunt him in his sleep but he knows it is going to get better especially when he is out of hospital and back home sleeping next to Zosia again.

Zosia doesn't answer his question because she knows that she doesn't need to plus the thought of it now makes her stomach churn. She doesn't know whether she would have actually done it but right now it doesn't matter. Instead they just continue to kiss quite passionately but are rudely interrupted by a shaggy haired guitarist. 'Ew get a room.' They hear Whitey comment after the door squeaks open. They both roll their eyes as Zosia pulls away to look at the four band members joining their front man.

'They had a room.' Vijay replies without a hint of wit but it does make Rick chuckle which is music to everyone's ears. 'What's going on?'

When it is explained to them what has just gone on they are stunned to say the least but are very happy all the same. The room is filled with joy and chatter because it feels like things are going back to normal. How they should be. Yes, things will be different with a wedding and a baby on the way but things will carry on pretty much as they were. Well, as they were when everything was cheery and made sense.

Someone makes a joke about cracking open a bottle of champagne at the hotel which they're staying at on behalf of Rick and everyone is laughing because it is going to be okay. They will have a great festival season, they will release their next album but better than any of that there is going to be a wedding and a new addition to the Kaiser Chiefs' world. And a very special one at that. 


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