A Small Detour

105 9 4

April 2016
'Right I'm done.' Whitey decides as he pulls the lead out of his guitar feeling utterly exhausted having spent the past few days planning stuff for the festival season, rehearsing and talking about the new album. The others don't complain because of feeling the same but it has been a good stint in the studio. 'See you ladies whenever but I want to go home and see me kids.'

They watch him pack up his Gibson Custom and put it in its case before leaving the room with it and his other bag. For a moment Vijay contemplates tidying up his area a bit but he decides he likes Whitey's thinking much better. 'Same here.' He states and then copies his friend's actions of picking up his stuff - including a pair of sticks - and wandering out. 'See ya.' They hear before the door shuts.

'Right come on then.' Peanut murmurs whilst thinking of the dreaded four hour drive he is about to endure whilst his passengers will most likely snooze. 'Let's get back then.'

'I'm just going to phone Zosia, to let her know.'

The past few days Zosia has been acting very oddly making Ricky worry about her. However, he didn't want to go on about it around the band because he's pissed them off enough lately he is sure that they don't want to hear about his girlfriend troubles. He has called her each night after spending time with the band either in the studio or the pub but she has definitely cut their conversations short complaining of tiredness. He knows that there is something up, he just has to work out what. Rick picks up his phone and quickly dials her number as Simon and Peanut start to pack some things away. 'Hi love.' He says once she picks up.


'Just wanted to say that I'm on my way back. We've decided that we have had enough.' There is no response on her part making him furrow his brow and scratch underneath his chin. 'Zosia?'

'I'm not in London.' She quickly says.

'Oh?' At the sound of his surprised tone, his friends start to pay attention to what is going on. 'Where are you then?'

'Coventry with my mum and Karolina...' There is a "hi Ricky" from somewhere in the background. 'I have been here for a few days. I'm staying with them.'

'May I ask why you're staying with them?' He now sounds stressed. 'Is this about what happened last weekend? Because you know how sorry I am.'

'No it's not.' She replies, 'Just needed some time away and to see them...I'd best go and help with lunch. I will talk to you later.'

'Oh okay...talk then. Bye love.'

'Bye.' And then she hangs up leaving him completely bewildered.

Peanut goes to ask him about the conversation but Simon stops him by putting a hand on his forearm with a shake of his head. It isn't worth it. Instead they let Ricky get on with packing everything up in his bag. 'She's in Coventry.' They hear him state, he knows that they are curious and perhaps they will spread light on this rather dire situation.

'Why?' Simon then asks making Peanut roll his eyes. Of course he is allowed to ask and not him.

'She's staying with her mother and Karolina.' He directs this down at the floor before snapping his sorrowful eyes up to meet with Simon's. 'Something is wrong Si.'

This has the curly haired man's head whirling, this does all sound a bit odd even with what happened last weekend. Now it is his turn to be the adult and make a decision, to try and make things better. 'Well...Coventry is sort of half way between here and London.' Peanut is now no longer packing away his laptop but instead glowering at his friend, he knows what is coming next. 'How about we use it as our pit stop? You have the address?'

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