Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Everyone always thinks I am good because I smile.

I seem happy.

I help others with my knowledge.

So I must have an amazing life, and be oh so happy.

Well you are sadly mistaken my friend.

My life is far from a fairy tale.

I look in the mirror, and see a hideous monster.

I wonder how could anyone love me.

I am so fat, so ugly.

I see every flaw mirrored times a hundred.

I cry at times because I just can't handle it anymore.

I have been through so much, and those demons still haunt me every night.

I still hear everyone telling me I am worthless.

Telling me no one could ever love me.

Calling me fat, and ugly.

Those voices scream in my head.

They tell me I will never be good enough.

I have sit on my bed with a knife in my hand wondering who would miss me if I just ended it all?

Would the world be a better place without me in it?

I have friends that say how awesome I am, yet they never seem to have time for me unless they want something.

I have three kids that tell me they love me when I give them the things they want.

Otherwise I get yelled, and cussed at.

I married a man that chose me only because I said yes.

I am not the one he truly wanted.

He has cheated on me every chance he has got.

So really who the hell would miss someone like me???

this song fits how I feel right now thank you s_red_anime

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