What If?

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BiographyCopyright © 2017 by Amira Selim

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Amira Selim

If you are reading this page you probably bought my book, so thank you for your support. I'm a young Egyptian girl who loved to write ever since I was a little girl, but never really published any of my writings until this one, and hopefully will do more in the future. Currently, I'm a BSC psychology student at York University and tried to mix my two favorite things together, psychology and writing. I also love to write poems and song lyrics. I owe everything I am today to my family and closest people, and for their encouragement to publish this book. If you want to get to know me more and ask about my upcoming writings this is my account:




23-year-old Gina leads a normal life just like anyone else in a remote kingdom. She is very social and has a lot of fun with her friends; to add to that, she loves exploring and going on adventures. She has a great job that she loves; she works at a mental hospital as a social worker and loves the fact that she is able to help a soul break free from its mind's illusions. She sees the different types of disorders and sticks by the patient's side till they are back to normal, or as close to normal as they can.

Chapter 1: Gina is in charge of a new job

Gina goes to work on a Monday morning,receives a call from her girlfriends with whom she was hanging out the other night—her friend, Amanda, who is sitting with Alex, Melissa, and Bianca. Melissa tells her how there was a dude at the bar last night who asked them about her right when she left and that they gave him her number.

Gina laughs and can't believe they did that; she thinks they are crazy, but she loves it.Shesays jokingly,"Ihope he was good looking, or else I will stop talking to you all."

She hangs up and walks into Dr.Wright's office, who is the psychiatrist whom she helps with the cases and data organizing. She says,"Good morning."

Dr.Wright greets her back and inquires about a particularly tough case of a guy named Robby.He asks,"Did you meet him on your way?"

"I just arrived," Gina informs him.

Usually, Dr.Wright sits with Robby and hears all thathe has to say and decides on the dosage of the medication—if it needs to be lower or higher. And, Gina is usually there, taking feedback from Dr.Wright, preparing medication, informing the nurse, and so on. She has never had a one-on-one interaction with any of the patients.

On this particular day, Dr. Wright tells Gina that he is working on a new project with other renowned psychiatrists and will be busy from the 9th to the 12th.He says,"I know that this is illegal, but I promise that I will help you get a raise if you cover for me while I am away for the next few weeks."

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