The Repeated Love 31 - Clue to the Use of Weapon

Start from the beginning

'W-what is this..? Did I just-'

Before he could continue to think, you break his thought. "Your future self too, really like this dessert, you know?"

"E-eh? Me?"

"Yes..! It is like.." You let out an inward sigh, staring idly to the wall in front of you. "Like.. your favorite snack ever.."


"You would always call for me and ask me to make the Pavlova for you. And sometimes I would get mad because you ever skipped your lunch and dinner just for this cake~!" You said between your laugh.

He smiled. "I see.." He parted his lips to your eyes which is staring in distance; a very dreamy eyes. He feels as if.. he is somewhat disappointed every time he look at the ring on your finger. It is familiar but not... it is very confusing. Deep within his heart, how he wish your husband is-


"So..!" You clapped your hand together. "Back to Kyouya's statement.. hmm wait.." You put a finger on your lips. "What's wrong?""Hmm.. it reminds me.. have you made up with Lambo and Haru?"

You smile as he nodded.

"Be-because.. I remembered what you said yesterday.. so I apologize to them.."

"My..! That is a good news..!"

"Uh.. yes.. and.. both of them told me to bring them to the amusement park when we go back to the past.." He face palm together with a heavy sigh.

"Just grant it then, Juudaime-sama. You know, despite not knowing the true situation, they still support you no matter what. You have accomplished so much because of their support."


He look down to the glove on his hand again.

'Support..' He repeated it again and again, his brain is trying to work with the word that is seem like some kind of clue to the answer of Hibari's statement. His eyes widened when he get the idea.

"Support..! That's it!!"


"I got it now..! Thank you, Riekka!! I'm going to try something out!"

"You are welcome.. OwO?"

He waved as he run out from the room, but-



He bump onto the wall, stumble backwards from the pain, shake his head, and continue to run again. You chuckled, he is indeed, very clumsy. But, once he has sharpened his skills, he is the person who always succeed first.

"Good luck, Juudaime-sama."


Yes, he got the idea. By using the combination of hard flame and soft flame that is supported by one another, he can create a new technique for his training.


..Maybe not.


Tsuna rub at the back of his neck as he got up slowly from the hard bump on the wall; which mark his body shape on it. "Somehow I get it now.. on how to use my weapon more.. ouch..!" The technique that he used has created a small earthquake around the base when he applied it. Yamamoto, Reborn and you run into the training room.

"Juudaime-sama..! Are you alright??" You kneel down to his level and wipe the blood from his nose.

"Yeah, I guess so.. ehehe."

"Woah.. what a great impact.." Yamamoto laugh to the shape on the wall.

"Are you sure you can master this thing, Tsuna?"

He shrugged. "I don't know.. Reborn.. but I think it will work out somehow if I try it.. again.." He instantly land down his head on your lap.

"..! Juudaime-sama-"


"He's asleep. How useless."


"Here, Riekka..! Let me carry him up..!"

"Uhn. Thank you, Takeshi-kun. You walk straight and turn to the right. It is a shortcut to my room. I will give him a short medical attention."


As Yamamoto leave the room, Reborn tug on your yukata. "Hm? Mou sensei..! Don't do that~! You look so cute and adorable like a baby~!" You stop your coo towards him when there's a glint in his eyes. "W-what is it, Sensei ^^''? I was just joking-""Do you know anything about this technique?"

You nod without hesitation.

"I would love to help him, but it is much better if he figure it out himself."

"...Good. Let him squeeze his brain once in a while."



There is a tense in the atmosphere around the room which is caused by both of the cloud guardian and the sun guardian who keep on glaring to each other.

"Why am I the only one who is allowed to come into the residence but not the kids??"

"Hn. Truth to be told, you are not allowed at the first place either."

"WHATTT?? NOW I'M ANGRY TO THE EXTREME!! WE WILL SETTLE THIS WITH FISTS AND BOXES!" Ryohei threw his blazer across the room and stand in a fighting position towards Hibari.

"...That's fine by me."


"There is no such thing. I've stopped you since the moment ago. Guardians shouldn't fight with each other due to senseless reason. Now please stop." Kusakabe frowned to the man. He let out a heavy sigh, sliding the door behind him. "Fine, fine, I will take Lambo-chan and I-pin-chan to the hideout and play with them."

"Okay. Now let's have a 1 round fight!"

"It's fine by me.."

"No!!! Stop fighting! Just talk to each other-"

The air in the room changes as the three of them immediately stop in what they are doing when a soft voice echoes through the Japanese room.

It was you, who was singing a soft lullaby, named 'Sayonara Solitaire' (Chrono Crusade anime ED song), to the sleeping Tsuna on your lap.

Kusakabe smiled to the sudden silence in the room, holding up Lambo and I-pin on his shoulder to bring them back to the hideout. Ryohei put down his fists and scoffed while he pick up his blazer back.


Kyouya unbutton his blazer and his tie.

"Get out. I want to get change."

"Tch. Fine. If it's not because of Riekka, I could have the chance to attack you." The turf head guardian mumble to himself and walk out.

"...." Kyouya held out his hand to Hibird for it to land on his finger. "Riekka is singing! Riekka is singing!" It chirped. "...I know. It's very calm, huh?" Kyouya smirks.

The Repeated Love From The Past (Tsunayoshi and Giotto Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now