The Hospital

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This takes place after Cyrus' skateboard accident while with Jonah.

"Cyrus, your parents say they will be here in about half-an-hour. Feel better, bud." The doctor tells Cyrus. He leaves the room, leaving Jonah and the injured boy alone for the next half-hour.
"Wow, I shouldn't have told you to actually skateboard. Sorry, Cyguy." Jonah apologized.
"Don't be sorry! I just rode a skateboard! And I didn't get hurt as bad as I thought I would!" Cyrus responded, sounding as if he had just won the lottery.
Jonah gave out a small chuckle. After all, he found Cyrus pretty funny. And cute. Though he knew he obviously wasn't straight, Jonah couldn't tell him or anyone else he wasn't either.
"You know, just a broken ankle. Huh. I thought you died for a second!" Jonah exclaimed.
"Yeah, I thought I did too." Cyrus liked Jonah, too. Only Buffy knew. In fact, she was the only one who knew he was gay, too.
"You feeling okay, man?" Jonah asked.
"I'm feeling surprisingly good, actually." This was mainly due to them being together, but Cyrus did feel well physically, too.
"That's good." Jonah replied.
They sat in silence for a few seconds before Jonah decided to sit down by Cyrus' feet on his hospital bed.
"So, how's life been?" Jonah awkwardly asked his secret crush.
"How it usually is. Parents are all shrinks, Buffy talks about that Marty guy a lot, Andi's making us bracelets all the time," Cyrus began mindlessly rambling, "I hurt myself being clumsy, I'm still closeted, and I live on a diet containing of mostly baby ta- did I just say what I think I said?" Cyrus realized the words that came out of his mouth.
"S-still closeted? What do you mean?" Jonah slowly asked.
"Jonah, if I tell you my biggest secret, will you not tell anyone?" Like previously mentioned, Jonah knew Cyrus wasn't straight. He just didn't know Cyrus would actually tell him.
"Of course." Jonah replied.
Cyrus took a deep breath.
"I-I like g-guys." Cyrus nervously said.
This made Jonah feel more comfortable with himself. He figured who else to be the first to know but Cyrus.
"Cyrus, if I tell you my biggest secret, will you not tell anyone?" Jonah questioned to Cyrus. The hurt, young teen shook his head yes.
"I like girls," Jonah started. Cyrus' head lowered mindlessly. "a-and guys..."
Cyrus' head rose, and his face became
"R-really? Jonah Beck, bisexual?"
Jonah laughed at Cyrus' comment.
"Never would've guessed, huh?" Jonah asked the other boy.
"Never would've." Cyrus admitted.
"So, any lucky guys out there?" Jonah didn't want to hear the answer to that question, and Cyrus going on about his crush, but he wanted to make conversation. That was the only way he could think of.
"Yeah, I guess. You wanna know who?" Cyrus' crush wasn't straight and was single. 'Screw it' Cyrus thought, he'd already taken one risk that day.
"Sure, Cyguy, who's your crush?" Jonah hesitated.
"You." Jonah looked at Cyrus with surprise.
     "Do you, um, wanna know my crush?" Jonah asked.
     Cyrus didn't want to be disappointed, but he did want to know who it was Jonah liked. "Yes." Cyrus responded.
     "You." Jonah admitted.
     The two boys smiled at each other as Jonah placed his hand on Cyrus'. They knew that would be the start to something big.

The Hospital (Jyrus-Andi Mack One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now