Chapter 2

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Salus returned to the hanger and reported to the section where his squad was waiting for him. When he arrived he saw 5 people, 3 male, 2 female. "Attention." one of them yelled. They all stopped what they were doing and popped to attention. "Uh, as you were." Salus replied, unsure of himself. "Sir, Lieutenant Junior Grade Jaxxon Spar reporting, I pilot the X-Wing alongside you" said a Tall Masculine man. "I'm Ensign Kyle V'Kaan, and this is my Brother Jake, we pilot the A-wings" said a slightly Average guy with his twin brother. "And I'm Vanessa A'guun, I fly a Y-Wing alongside Angel, no one knows if that's her real name or not, and she doesn't talk much." What a lively bunch. Salus thought to himself, "Uh, I'm Salus, Salus Locke, we are known as Black Squad from now on. Any Questions?" "No, sir" they all, except Angel, replied. "Well, how about we do some drills, everyone mount up. I want you all ready to fly in the next 5 minutes, understood?" "Yes Sir." They all got their ships ready by loading them with training weapons and ammunition. Hope I'm making the right choice, I got to Teach them to trust each other and myself, if I don't, then there may be no future for us. Salus got his X-Wing ready and hoped he could trust in them and in the Force

Sorry for the short one today, I'm pressed for time, but tomorrow Chapter 3 (if you can even call these chapters) will show team bonding and maybe even some first time action as a squad. Tune in Tomorrow

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