Candy Kingdom (Part 1)

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They arrived in the Candy Kindgom late that night, they ran into some troublesome why wolves on the way to the candy kingdom. Marceline saved a few house people, and Marshall threw the why wolves over a cliff so they'd never be seen again. "Woah, the Candy Kingdom doesn't look so lame at night." joked Marshall. Marceline laughed uncontrollably, it was a little unusual in fact. "Hey.. uhh Marcy? You alright?" Marceline was still laughing and then finally she took a deep inhale through her bat-like nose. She hissed and evily said, "I'm fiinnnee Marshall, I'm just sooooo... hungryyy.." She took another deep inhale. Marshall knew this was serious, so he quickly said, "Uh alright... Marcy, you stay here.. I'll go get some food... try not to kill anything before I get back." Marceline didn't seem to hear him over her groaning from her extreme hunger. She finally responded, "Mmmmmm, Peppermint Butler's red stripes sound appetizing right nowwwww... Ahhhh.... I'll just keep myself riiiiight heeere..." Marshall took off to the Candy Orchard. He loooked all around for some red candy, he could only find pink and purple. He was getting very mad at this point, and he could feel himself getting overtaken by hunger as well. He wasn't sure he would control the blood lust much longer. He became desperate. He broke into Princess Bubblegum's castle and broke into the Candy Vault where she hid all her valuable candy. He found a lot of bright, juicy, red jellybeans. He quickly gathered them and stashed them in his pockets. He made his escape, but the banana guards were watching over him the whole time. Captain Root Beer guy stopped him in his tracks and cuffed him.

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