Scoring+Turn-In Form+Rounds

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Hi! Hope you are having a lovely day 😊. Down below is what you will judge the books on. I hope it's easy to understand!

Title #/10 - Does the title match the story? Does it sound appealing?

Cover #/10 - Does the cover go with the story? Is it eye-catching?

Summary #/10 - Is the summary captivating? Does it make a reader actually want to read it?

Plot #/20 - Does the plot flow well? Does it make sense?

Grammar/Spelling #/20 - Is there any major errors?

The areas that are being judged #/10 will be ranging from 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest. Same will go for the areas being judged #/20, but this time 20 will be the highest number of points.

Turn - In Form

Please look at this carefully to avoid any confusion and unnecessary mistakes when the time comes where you turn in your results. This format below will be the way you will turn in every result, so look carefully!


Title Score : #/10

Cover Score: #/10

Summary Score: #/10

Plot Score: #/20

Grammar/Spelling Score: #/20

Overall Score: (total # of points)

Review: (must be more than five sentences long)


Round 1 - You will all be given 5 books to judge. Once you are done judging, you will choose your highest scoring book. Next, you will turn your results in using the form above to me through private message at the desired time.

Round 2 - Now that you have turned in the results, you will receive a different book from the same genre.
Once you are done with judging, you will again turn in the final result to me through private message by the deadline.

Round 3 - Based on the results, I will choose the top three scoring books from every genre base on their overall score and post the final results.

Founder Note: So there you have it, guys! I hope it is easy enough to understand. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! You can ask through pm or comments.

I am not sure when we will start judging. I may have to extend the entry date just a tiny bit for I don't want to completely take down the awards. The extension most likely will affect the judging date and everything else. I will, however, by October 20th tell you if the awards have been extended or not. I hope you guys understand!

-kalani petrakins

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