I try and think back on my childhood. Nothing was truly extraordinary about my parents, so why are their names, and Josh's, on this government-like paper? It's not like they were agents or anything. Dad literally brought be to work with him almost every day, and if he couldn't, I went when I woke up. Everyone knew me around there. Dillon, Maxwell, Edward, and Claire? I was like the child they never had. And mom's work was the principal of the high school. Literally, there was nothing special about her work other than having the advantage of pulling me into her office to avoid certain people in my year and a half there. Literally, there was no way that she could be doing anything surrounding government work. She'd surly be fired for being shifty. Which, of course, she wasn't.

A small thud sounded behind me, but I didn't turn. Who else would be landing on a building's roof at seven am? I crossed my arms over my chest, only realizing now that I'd had a white tee on and a bright pink bra. That wouldn't exactly be found atteactive by the hero of the city. He didn't say anything as the splashes of water beneath his steps drew closer, and I didn't either as something was placed around my shoulders. My suspicions were right when I tugged the fabric closer around me, holding it closed. "I don't think that couple's going to be happy when their blanket's gone missing from the line." At that, I cracked a smile, suppressed a laugh. "What's wrong, Scarlett?"

"Couldn't sleep." My words came out scratchy as my head tilted up towards the droplets falling on my face. I could hear him sigh, and a few moments later a pair of arms were wrapped around me, rubbing up and down my arms.

"You're shivering. How long have you been out here?" I asked him what time it was. "Seven." He said.

"Then five hours. It hasn't been raining the entire time, though." He shook his head, and scoffed, pulling me back to where I could stand. Spider-Man then pulled me to his side, and upon instinct, I put my arms around his neck.

"Scarlett Vonnie, you are going to kill yourself, I swear." I rolled my eyes as he handed me my probably ruined sneakers, and wrapped an arm around my waist. "You can't just do this stuff, you know. Taking off at night's only going to be trouble." He leapt off the building, the gravity pulling me with him.

"You act as though I can't handle myself." I remarked, snaking my legs around his waist as we flew. "I'm a big girl, Spidey, I can handle myself." He shot a web out, connecting to a building and sending us flying upwards in the path of a street. The rain thickened, and the sky grew darker as we went on.

"You're also a girl who's almost got herself killed by a beast how many times now?" I opened my mouth to reply, but closed it just as fast. "Not to mention times I don't know about. Tell me, did he attack you when you went in the sewers?" My eyes widened, jaw stiffening as I looked at him in awe.

"How the hell did you--" My shoulders slumped and lids fell closed with an exhale of carbon dioxide. "The backpack." He nodded, hooking a web on a building, and slowly bringing us down to the ground.

"Peter almost passed out when he realized you went down there. He thought you were dead when I couldn't find you. Then Gwen Stacey called him and told him you'd been at Oscorp and left before the Dr. Conners got there. You better be glad, Missy." So Gwen actually covered for me. Huh. That's new. "I thought that girl being strangled by Dr. Connors had been you, when I saw it. I think I'd have actually killed him if it was you, Scarlett." I felt my cheeks warm up a bit, but I put on a frown, trying to ignore the comment.

"What girl?" I asked, question lingering with curiosity.

"I don't know. She had this really red hair, but it kept faltering back to a color kind of like yours. But then it would go back, then in-between, and so I didn't quite know what to think of it." I shrugged.

Spider Brats (Previously "When In New York") TASMWhere stories live. Discover now