Im sorry..

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We drove back to the shop sadly,"Hey where's Data?"Asked Big curiously
"Big we're sorry..he's..passed away.." Cried ZoZo
"WHAT BUT HOW? NO PLEASE TELL M-NOOOOOO" Screamed Big in pain and sorrow
"Big his funeral w-week" Replied Blade still crying
"HE WILL HAVE THE BEST FUNERAL EVER!! I'M TELLING YOU!! *In the funeral* " I'll miss him.."Big said
"We all will,Big.." Cried Blade
ZoZo was still in shock from what happened
"I didn't get to know him but,I'm guessing he was a good man.." I said sadly
"Luke,he was a great man,and your be just like him..boss.." Blade said winking at me
"Let's just take a rest guys..hopefully get over this.. mistake..and get the revenge we will get" I said angrily

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