S.S #8-What's Mine Is Yours

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                                                                                Bianca's POV

I'm sitting in the waiting room with Alya. Miles is in asleep right now and they won't let us in until he wakes up. Jax is pacing near the doors until he eventually just leaves to go to the bathroom. I look over at Alya. She's looking down at her hands, which are shaking. I lace my hand through hers to try get it to stop. She looks up at me.

"How are you holding up?" i ask her.

"I'm terrified" she says. I give her hand a little squeeze.

"You did a really brave thing" i say to her.

"It was the least i could do. He's my best friend, i could never live without him". Even though i'm slightly hurt by the fact that i'm not her best friend, i keep talking.

"Are you sure you guys are just friends? Cause i don't know a whole bunch of people who would give up a piece of their body for "just a friend"" i say putting air quotes around just a friend. Alya looks up at me and then suddenly pulls her hand out of mine and puts it over where she got her surgery done. At first i think she might be hurt.

"What's wrong?" i ask her.

"You can't tell Miles that i was his kidney donner, ok?" she says.

"Why not?" i ask, confused.

"Because, I don't want things to be awkward between us. You're the only person i've told that it was me. It needs to stay that way, okay?" she asks. I'm not going to beat around the bush. I know that Alya loves Miles. I know that they are more than just friends. But most of all, I know that Alya did this to help Miles. I don't want to be the one to ruin what they have.

"Okay" i reply.

"Thank you" she says.

"Do the stitches still hurt that bad?" i ask her, because i can read the pain on her face.

"It hurts like hell. But it was the right thing to do" she says.

That's when i know that what Miles and Alya have is real. When you risk your life for someone, you love them. They are truly an OTP if there's ever been one. I know it.

                                                                              The End!

My Backstage OTP couples-short storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon