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Present time
Lauren's pov
I have gotten a lot closer to Alex this past week! But now where is he. Oh...right

1 day ago
A: Lauren how could you!
L: what?
A: just kidding I love you!
L: lord you scared me! Love you too babe!
A: Tomorrow at 3:30 meet me at the corner of (street name) and (street name) I have a surprise for you!
L: ooooo sounds fun! Can't wait!
A: you will love it I knwo it!

The next day

Im so excited for this mystery! I hop in my car and start driving. I can see the corner where I'm supposed to meet Alex. I park the car and look at the time. 3:30 exactly! Where is he? I walk over to the corner to wait. 3:45. 4. It's 4:45 now and no sign of him. Just as I give up I hear a loud crash and black out

Present time
I can't believe he abandoned me. Which lead to- wait! I must have been hit by whatever made that loud crash! I try really hard to open my eyes and when I finally am able to I see a bright light shinning on me. I look down at my leg and see a line of stitches. But then I look at my other leg and see. Nothing from the knee down. I see blood tho. Oh no! Where is my leg. I try to talk but my head hurts so bad I can't.
Doctor 1: shhhhh she's awake!
Doctor 2: We need to identify who this girl is
Doctor 1: right. Miss what's your name?
L: I-it's lau-laur-Lauren!
Doctor 2: thank god she has her memory! Now what's your last name sweets?
L: cough cough
Doctor 2: it's ok let's search her purse that she had for an I'd!
They take my purse that is in the table all bloody and gross and  then they find my id.
Doctor 1: there we go!
They do something on the computer but u can't see what. Hurts too much to turn my head.
Doctor 1: looks like no family in the us so no records. Do you have any friends or boyfriends?
L: a-alex wassabi
Doctor 2: oh no! Um sweety Ik this is bad timing but we have some bad news about him.
L: yes?
Doctor 2: wel he came here earlier and um he had been in a fight with some other guy and had a black eye that was oozy and infections were spreading! So he's in the other hallway in this hospital
L: what?
Doctor 1: no silly that was  Alice wachassy
Doctor 2: oh my bad hahah!
L: ha....can you call him
D1: of course!
30 min later
A: Lauren are you-
The look in his eyes changes. He looks sad shocked. I reach for him!
L: Alex!
My voice is better and I can move a little bit now.
A: Lauren what happened I was looking for you crazy!
L: I went to the spot and got hit
A: but I was at the spot for a while! Then I looked for you but then got this call!!
L: what corner?
A: (streetname)!
L: you said (street name) and (streetname)!
A: oh no I said " (streets name) wait no (steeetname)!
L: I misheard you
A: this is my fault I should of double checked! I'm sorry I feel so guilty (cry's)
L: it's gone ain't it
A: your leg?
L: yes
A: it's fine from the knee down
L: no!
Alex ran over and hugs me tight. This is my fault for not paying attention

Alex's pov
Thsi is my fault for not being clear

Doctor ones pov

I like tacos

Lauren's pov
L: it's not your fault for me mishearing you
A: it is my  fault for not being clear!
L: it's not either our faults! It's the stupid person who hit me's fault!
D2: by the way the man who hit you was-

Sorry for the cliffhanger but it's someone who hasn't been mentioned yet! I'll update one more chapter right now and hen whenever I feel like it from then!!!!!

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