Laurens worry

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Lauren's pov
That's all I remember
Now I'm sitting in a room with blinding lights and machines everywhere. I can hear people running frantically. But I can not open my eyes. I can't move. I think I'm ok. I dotn feel any pa- ow! My head starts pounding all of a sudden and a shot of pain shoots through my upper leg. What happened?

1 week ago

I hear my alarm clock ringing obnoxiously and I slowly open my eyes. Ugh it's too early to get up I can feel it and I don't even know what time it is yet. I glance over and see that it is already 10 am. Why does  it feel so early? I look over to my left and see the dent in the bed where Alex slept the night before. I really love him! He must of gotten up the first time my alarm went off at 8 the time I set it the night before. Guess I slept through it. I swim my feet off the bed and onto the floor. I stand up and walk into the kitchen hoping to see Alex but sadly he wasn't there.
Lauren (L): Alex? Hello? Alex I swear if this is a prank I'll kill you!
No response. I decided I should call his cell.
Phone: please leave a message after the tone BEEP
L: hey Alex I'm worried about you! Just Um give me a call ASAP! Love you!
I hang up and stare at my feet for a bit. I walk over to the couch where my laptop is resting next to moose. He's sound asleep and so cute! I slowly slide my laptop onto my lap trying my best not to disturb the sleeping moosey but fail as he jumps up. I give him a quick pat and a little pet before lifting my laptop on. It's already powered on. Weird I always power it off at night when I don't need to charge it. I also see that the battery is at 38%. I'm either really tired or something is wrong. I decide not to worry and log in. I check my sub count like I do every Monday and Thursday morning sense that's the day after I upload. I've gained about half a million in the past phew months which is good. I'm worried about Alex still so I check my phone. Nothing. I'll call swoozy.
L: hey swoozy?
Swoozy(s): Hey Lauren *whispers something off the phone* h-how's it going?
L: good I'm just worried about Alex he's not answering his calls!
S: oh....
L: swoozy are you hiding something from me?
S: um I got to go the uh pizza got here!
L: Don't you!
beep beep
Crap. I look at the clock and it's only 10:30. Why would he order pizza?! I get a call from Alex
Alex(a): Hey Lauren!
L: where the hell are you I've been worried sick!
A: Oh well you see....

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