A Deal or Blackmail? (Part 13)

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Have faith in me, 'cause there are things that I've seen I don't believe. So cling to what you know and never let go. You should know things aren't always what they seem. (Have Faith In Me)

With her last breath, she desperately thrashed around in the water. The dark heavy water. It was hopeless. The masses of water stayed unyielding. Her heart pounding in her chest, she was willing to give anything to get out. Alive preferably. A firm grip bore into her skin. Shook her up and down like a ragdoll. It was all just a game to the painter. He'd shake the life right out of her. Up and down. And up and down. With the water invading her every last reserve of air. Relentlessly, up and down. She felt all the strength she had left evaporating out of her frail body. Up and down. One last time. And then it screamed.

"Wake up!", the frantic shouts of her mother rang in her ears. At once, she opened her eyes. Blinded by the brightness.  And now she also felt the hands shaking her soaked body. It must have been a nightmare. Only a bad dream. Relieved, she sighed. Wait- soaked? Her body was wet indeed. "Mom?", she questioningly squinted up to the woman bent over her. It mustn't have been real.

"Oh Darling. I'm glad you're finally awake. You must've had a terrible nightmare!" It was a dream then. How could her body still be wet? Her gaze fell on a bucket close to her bed. Her mother must have attempted to wake her with any means. For once she appreciated the rude awakening. Anything was better than what she had to endure in the last few minutes. It still felt weird thinking of it as a dream, when it had felt so real.  Thanking her mother she finally got up to change. Out of the wet clothes, only serving as a reminder of her nightmare. Glad that the horrors weren't real, she let her thoughts circulate around different manners. The real horrors of Derry. And there were plenty to choose from.

"Thanks Mom. I'm fine now. Just a silly little dream.", she dismissed the concerned look her mother shot her, as she came in the kitchen for breakfast. "Alright Darling. If you say so." The rest of their morning they spent with insignificant smalltalk. But she did notice her mother's curious glances, when she thought her daughter wasn't pay attention. Other than that only a heavy silence lasted between them. Her mother didn't even inquire about her supposed boyfriend Stanley. Not that she would have wanted to have that conversation again. After checking the time on the clock behind her mother, she hurried up to pack her schoolbag.

She knew she shouldn't bring her pencil case to school anymore. Her mother surely wouldn't rummage through it, if she left it at home, would she? And at school it had started to draw attention. At least, the attention of one person. One person she didn't know how to see anymore. But she needed it close. As pathetic as she felt, she craved the reminder.

Therefore, she stood outside her door with all her school stuff -including her pencil case- packed, waiting for her mother to leave her spot at the window. Today she had to go to school by herself. Richie was obviously still sick. And it was understandable that poor Stanley wouldn't show up today. She doubted that he'd willingly accompany her to school once more, regardless.

And of course, this morning had to be the one occasion where Henry Bowers decided to go to school on time. Lost in her thoughts, still pondering her horrendous nightmare -only a silly little dream-, she didn't notice him leaning against a tree. Therefore, she passed him without a second glance. Obviously, she hadn't noticed him observing her. When he stepped forward to block her path, she immediately turned on her heels. Without success.

"Nice to see ya, b****. Got some news for me?", Bowers had quickly caught her wrist, forcing her to stay. "I don't have any answers for you.", she defiantly looked him straight in the eyes. "Patrick doesn't have any weaknesses." Bowers' cruel smirk sent goosebumps on her skin. She urged herself to continue nonetheless. "And by the way, leave Stanley alone. He's got nothing to do with me. Or with Patrick." She tried once more to wiggle out of his firm grasp. Bowers only pulled her closer. A dangerous glint in his eyes.

What's in your pencil case? (Patrick Hockstetter)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora