Dangerous Love

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Boy: Hey wanna hang

Girl: Sure when should I come over

Boy: 6:30

Girl: What are we going to do

Boy: I'll surprise you

Girl: Okay

Three hours later

Girl: Knock Knock

Boy: Hello

Girl: Hi, so what are we doing

Boy: Were going to watch movie

Girl: "Oh" romantic

Boy: Shut up

Girl: Where are your parents

Boy: There going to my grandmothers house to watch her dog

Girl: When will they be back

Boy: In 2 days

Five hours later from watching movies

Girl: I'm hungry

Boy: what do you want


Boy: I'll be right back

Girl: Hurry back

Boy shuts the door

Girl watching T.V.

Five minutes later

Knock Knock

Girl: We'll that was fast

Girl opens door

Murder: Hi, pretty

Girl screams and runs to the living room

Murder: Where are you pretty pretty

Murder finds girl and holds the gun to her head

Girl: Please please, don't kill

Boy walks in...........

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