Don't want his child but do you see me running after mmm no cause I'm done like if he don't wanna be in the child's life than he can go and fuck himself but i want you to have this child ok

She was right I'm just getting the cold feet but I meant the other part that I'm scare cause I am

Ke'marsha  : * laughs aight girl yeah I understand

Dr.Andre Mrs Ke'marsha Dallas please

Crylita : come on man

He took us to the room and close the door in already getting nervous

Dr.Andre : * smile so how you doing today

Ke'marsha  : *smile I'm doing good I'm just nervous that's cause I came here to find out like if I'm having a baby cause I was vomiting the other day so that's why I'm here

Dr.Andre : ok i want you to change into this gown and come back

I went to the bathroom to change into my gown and came back in the room

Dr.Andre : ok I want you to lay back for me and I'm gonna put some jelly on your belly to see the baby alright

Ke'marsha : ok

I laid back in the bed and out the jelly lotion on my stomach and he turns on the ultrasound machine and I can see a little spot onthe screen

Dr.Andre : * smile well congratulations you're pregnant your exact to be 3-4 weeks

Crylita : * chuckles oh my God that's amazing aww look girl look at yo babe  but wait it looks like two of them

Dr.Andre : yeah you right I do see two of them that means that you having twins

I was like what the fuck there's no way in hell I'm having two kids this gots to be a joke

Ke'marsha : * laughs naw that can't be true this a mistake I can't have twins

Dr.Andre : well it looks like two babies in you so congratulations let me snap picture and here you go

Ke'marsha : * smile thank you

Dr.Andre : don't worry bout it I know that this is shocking that you having no only one babe but two of them

Ke'marsha : * chuckles yeah you can say that again cause I am so when do I come back here when I start to show

Dr.Andre : well bout maybe on the February 2nd but it could be sooner than ever so that's when I need you to come back but at least you find your having two babies but just the two of them here's your picture and I'll see you on the February have a good day

Ke'marsha : thank you sir goodbye

We left and went to the  Mexican restraunt

Crylita : hey you ok girl I know that you scare but you have me I'll help you with them who knows they could be girls that would be cute

Ke'marsha : * sights yeah if you say so but I still don't know what to do with two babies it's gonna be tough and a lot to deal with and you also fucking pregnant too

Crylita : yeah but listen Ke'marsha babe girl you bout to be a mommy ok it's not gonna be that bad at all this yo first children so don't do nothing that you'll regret Eric wouldn't like that you know that girl come on now

She's right he wouldn't like that but that's gonna be four kids just the thought of his name made me get emotional

Ke'marsha : * cries Eric I miss him so much I feel like I'm not strong enough to be a mom a teen momma im not ready for this shit but I guess I can't wish it away and I have to go to school deal with Tracy and them i don't feel like being bother with them while I'm pregnant 

Crylita : * chuckles heffa please I'm pregnant to aight I might not be showing but I will be soon as you too and we getting ready to graduate so turn that frown upside down let me take care of them ok you my girl you know that gotcha like you got me

Ke'marsha : * giggles aight girl I hear ya loud and very clear but lets order is some to eat

The waitress comes over to take our order

Waitress : hello my name is silivia may I take your orders

Ke'marsha : * smile yes ma'am imma have a hamburger with frys tacos a salad that's for me

Waitress : alright and for you ma'am

crylita : yeah imma have chicken pasta spicy enchiladas and nachos

Waitress : ok I have for you miss the hamburger with frys tacos a salad and for you ma'am you ask for the chicken pasta enchiladas and nachos
Now what flavor drinks would you like

Ke'marsha : just a sprite

Crylita : oh just a Pepsi for me please

Waitress ok I'll be back with your drinks

                              Minute later

She comes back with our drinks after while our food we ate all of the food than we paid for the tip and left

Ke'marsha : * sights in best imma take a nap aight

Crylita : shot you ain't the only one after driving yo ass all around in doing it too

I went to ny room I laid in the bed looking at my ultrasound pictures that it brought joy to my heart as I smile at ne babies

Ke'marsha : * giggles hey y'all yo mommy can't wait have you guys ok I promise I'm gonna love both y'all I dozed off to sleep

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