Chapter 2

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"So, how was he?"

     "How was who?" Kevin asked as he wrote down the answer to a history problem, the paper being due next period. He knew exactly what Nazz was talking about. He was just uninterested in talking about it during school hours when anybody could listen, especially in a quiet library.
     Nazz raised a single brow at him, smirking with interest. "Tall, dark, and hunky." Kevin glanced up at her in warning. "Come on, Kev. We're on a balcony. Who's going to hear us?" Kevin used his pencil to point down the side of the ledge at everyone on the ground story. Nazz followed his pencil's direction before rolling her eyes. "What do I have to do, pass notes?" Kevin sighed and put his pencil down, giving Nazz his undivided attention. She just smiled at him, awaiting an answer.
     "Nothing happened."
     "Nothing happened?" Nazz was shocked. "But he was so cute and, well, cute! Do I literally have to glue you two together?" She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.
     Kevin shook his head. "That's the problem. I don't want cute." He spoke calmly, yet with a passionate tone. "I want someone who has a personality. I want someone I can actually talk to. Someone that'll listen to me and talk to me, not just call me hot every minute and shove his tongue down my throat. If I did want that, I'd go back to dating you."
     Pretending to be offended, Nazz glared at him playfully with her jaw dropped. She retaliated, "As far as the whole school knows, you already are." Nazz smirked, forcing a smirk on Kevin as well. "You better be nice to your girlfriend."
     He shook his head, "Fine." Kevin glanced at the clock. Damn, I guess I'm only getting half credit for this. Thanks." He stared her down, jokingly. Nazz stole his pencil and paper and filled out the rest of the answers. She handed him the finished paper without saying a word, rubbing it in his face. "Fine, you win." Kevin and Nazz grabbed their things and headed down the stairs before charging out the double doors just as the bell rang to release them. Halfway down the hallway, they found Sarah and Jimmy handing out flyers. Kevin snagged one from her pile and read it aloud, "Fall Homecoming, Winter Wonderlabd, Saturday at Mount Peak. You're really going all out this week, aren't you?"
     "You bet I am. It's going to be the best senior year ever. And nobody's going to ruin it." Sarah demanded.
     "That's right! Isn't she the smartest?" Jimmy cheered. After so long of growing up, she was still bossy and controlling while Jimmy followed her around, doing whatever she said. "You two are coming, right?"
     "You bet!" Nazz said, wrapping her arms around Kevin's in a side hug and resting her head on his shoulder. It would've been a sweet gesture if they were together. It was all an act though, one Kevin was extremely grateful for when he heard Sarah and Jimmu swoon over their cuteness.
     Jimmy cheer uncontrollably, "I smell homecoming court!"
     "We'll see," Nazz teased them playfully. "So where are Rolf and Johnny? I thought they would've wanted to tall about the rooming situations."
     Sarah steamed with frustration. "Rolf isn't coming this week."
     "What? Why not?"
     "He doesn't want to pay to go to a mountain when he can just go to his own for free. I told him we could cover it but he just ran away. I haven't seen him since." Sarah continued to pass out flyers, not missing an opportunity.
     Nazz frowned over Rolf, "That stinks. What about Johnny?"
     "Johnny and I will be staying together. He insisted on staying with Planm, but Sarah told him he needs a person, not a hunk of wood. He went crazy after that and was sent to the principal's office. I'm actually kind of scared to room with him. Who knows what he'll do in our sleep." The thought was enough to give Jimmy a chill, making him shiver.
     Fear creeping down his spine, Sarah put her arm around him to calm him instantly. "Don't worry, Jimmy. If anything happens, I'll be right down the hallway with Nazz."
     "Wait, I thought I was rooming with Kevin?" Nazz questioned.
     "Oh, no. I've been trusted with the trip. I'm not screwing it up so you two can play patty cake." Although Sarah had an entirely different look, she was still that same little girl from years ago. She had an extremely different appearance before high school. During her freshman year, she traded in the sweet and innocent little sister of the dumbest Ed for the hot girl on campus. She got a blowout, extentions, new makeup, and a better wardrobe. Sarah had on a pink, quarter sleeve t-shirt that said SPOILED in gold glitter. Her jeans were DIY-Capri, the ends rolled up to her mid-calf, despite the cold. She wasn't the only one who went through a change. She helped Jimmy with his look too. He tone up, styled his white-like blond hair, and bought him a new wardrobe as well. Jimmy wore a light blue, long sleeved v-neck with white skinny jeans. The biggest difference about him was his missing braces. What was once a metal ring was now a bright, white, straight smile.
     Nazz giggled at Sarah's childishly inappropriate comment while Kevin blushed with embarrassment. "It's alright, babe I'll just room with one of the guys from the team."
     "Sorry, Kev. All the guys already picked their roommates." Kevin's options were severely limited. "I could always room you with Eddy." Sarah smirked evily. Kevin gave her a tilted-head glare. She snickered and sighed, finding herself extremely funny. Jimmy followed her act and laughed along with her, his voice a deeper tone ever since puberty struck. Sarah sighed in relief as her laughing subsided. "Relax, Kevin. I'm not that mean. Just give me a guy by midnight and I'll stick you two together."
     Thinking to himself, Kevin kept drawing blanks. In mid-thought, the warning bell rang through the halls. Kevin looked at Sarah, "I'll have to think about it."
     "Better think of it soon. I wouldn't want you randomly paired with someone like my brother." Sarah walked away, Jimmy following close at her heels. Kevin stood in focus, trying to think of a single soul at Peach Creek he could tolerate for five days. More blanks. When he felt Nazz's hand interlock his own, he broke focus, finding her dragging him to their next class.
     "Come on. We're going to be late."
     Luckily they were through the door by the final bell. If it weren't for Nazz, Kevin would've been greeted home from the trip with an after-school detention.
     Kevin found his way to his seat, three rows back and one seat away from being against the wall on the right side, closest to the door. He still couldn't rip himself from his dilemma. Who could I room with, he asked himself questioningly. All of his friends were spoken for. There was no one left. He definitely wasn't going to be randomly paired with Eddy. Neither of them would last a night together, let alone six. He just didn't trust the guy. Kevin turned his head just enough to see Eddy and Ed screwing around in the back row of desks. He glared, ripping himself away to scan the rest of the room.
     There wasn't a single person he'd want to room with. He glanced at Nazz in the second row in the middle of the room. She was casually jotting down notes. Despite her appearance and attitude, she was one of the smartest people Kevin knew. The smartest was Double D. As soon as he thought the name, his eyes landed on the chair in front of Nazz. Edd was more involved with the lecture than anyone. Kevin took notice of that. For the first time, he took notice of Double D completely.
     A lot of the people he knew had matured and changed, but Edd surprised him the most. The orange t-shirt too long for the Ed had been changed to a perfectly fit button down with a black tie, all hidden under a cardigan with black sleeves, trim, and edges and a gray midsection. His baggy purple pants were replaced with black pants with purple back pockets, which could almost pass for skinny jeans. His teeth regained some natural form, the gap now only slightly visible, but still large enough. Black and white tennis shoes covered red socks that only went up mid-calf. Kevin could hardly recognize him if not for the black beanie on top of his head. Nobody had ever seen underneath the hat other than his best friends. Still, even they wouldn't talk about it. Kevin found himself staring a little longer than he should've been. He tore away to look at the front of the room.
     Why is he even friends with them, he began to wonder. Kevin shook his head and finally took out his notes, only to doodle on the next clean page instead of doing the work.

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