Good Morning

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The birds outside sung there morning song of joy as the golden gate sun shinned bright through every dark crack and corner. The weather was cool and moist as the suburban neighborhood stood dead silence as the day was about to begin.

Tucked away in there soft comfy warm beds, the neighbors were still fast asleep like infants as the sun grew higher and higher in the blue morning sky.

A young female named, (Y/N) (L/N) sat cozy and bunched up her soft covers of slumber on her bed, or so she thought at first.

While still breathing softly up and down in her deep sleep, she soon stirred and crewed up from her resting state as her digital alarm clock buzzed like an angry bee, signaling for her to get up and start the day.

She opened her stunning (e/c) orbs as she rubbed her heavy eyes with her small hands, rubbing off the tried soreness from last night.

She yawned as she lifted her right hand to shut the ringing clock off. Once her fingers pushed down the snooze button, she soon felt an uneasy and eerie feeling around her body.

She titled her head down to see the lamia himself sleeping on her chest like a little baby.


His short bright red hair bounced off the yellow lights from the sun as so did his golden head pieces on both side of his head. He cooed and twitched in his sleep as he smiled softly against her plump chest, which was covered by a blue nightgown.

(Y/N) blushed a ripe wine colored red as she scrunched up her nose from the intense position she was in.

His heavy weight made her breathe heavy and hard as she shook his shoulders, trying to get the clingy lamia off of her.

"Mino! Wake up its morning"

She shrieked through her clogged morning throat.

Mino's only response was to frown and shut his eyes tighter as to say 'no'.

"Uh, just five more minutes please?"

He yawned as he cuddled up her neck, wrapping his slim pale arms around her neck, with his eyes still closed.

She looked down only see his elongated red snake tail wrap tightly around her small from. His scales perched her exposed skin and his warm body temperature made her start to sweat from the heat.

She looked at his face and saw a pink tinted blush on his pale cheeks. His read elf like ear laid against his hair and he continued to doze off.

She growled like a tiger and shook his shoulders again. He let out a small groan and finally opened up his tired golden eyes. He leaned up against the mattress and rested his hand on his left cheek. He smiled and gazed into her tired eyes.

(Y/N) huffed and narrowed her eyes into his golden eyes.

"Why are you in my bed anyway?"

She gasped as his lamia snake tail wrapped more tighter around her body.

He cooed and let a light chuckle.

"It was so cold in my room last night, so I figured I come in here with you darling~"

(Y/N) huffed and pulled the blue covers off her pajamaed covers body as the cold atmosphere of the room stung the young girls exposed skin, creating goosebumps.

She sat up straight and fumbled with the covers.

"In that case I'll go prepare the bath."

She smiled softly as you tried desperately to get of Mino's tight grip. However, Mino acting like a complete child wrapped his tail right back around her waist causing (Y/N) to gasp from the surprise charge.

Mino flung her body back to the bed and only tighten his grip on her even more, causing (Y/N) to gasp out in struggle. Mino pulled the enraged female close to his lava hot chest and rested his head in her (h/c) locks of silk.

"I want you to warm me up darling~"

Mino yawned through his words and sank back into sleep. Causing his tail to curl up on her even tighter, causing her to feel a bit of pain in her hips. She gasped and thrashed all around like a worm, but couldn't seem to loosen his grip on her.

Mino exhaled through his nostrils and squeezed even tighter around the poor (Y/N).

She thought to herself on how should she escape his hold, but she was silence by the sound of Mino's soft snoring.


Mino only yawned and slowly opened his golden sunny eyes to see your blue face.

"Everything alright darling?"

He asked in a soft voice.

I'm choking here! For God's sake Mino your killing me!

The young girl thought as saliva trailed down his cheeks, her vision going blank and her chest painfully heaving. She clawed at Mino's red skin until she gripped the very tip end of his snake tail causing Mino to gasp and turn red.

"D-darling that's a v-very sensitive spot to touch"

He bit his lips as his pale face became the color of blood. (Y/N) thinking to herself that's it's a weak spot staring quickly jerking the end of the tail of and down, letting Mino's grip die down.

Mino himself clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.


Out of nowhere Mino suddenly took his tail off of her and instead fell flat on his back on the end of bed. As he collapsed, (Y/N) gasped and panted like a tired dog and had tears spirt out of her eyes.

This is gonna be a long day.


Male!Monster Musume X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now