The Wormhole

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Ugh, gym class. I most days don't like it. Some days aren't so bad. Today, not one of those days. It's matt ball today. I mostly get out. It is like half way through the class right now. Emma Cerka and I are talking about Glee. We both love Glee.We were talking about how it would be cool if we were actually a part of the show.


"Where did that go?"

"What if there was a wormhole up there. That's why the ball disappeared, I'm so smart. But really, that would be cool," I told Emma.

"Yeah, let's go." So we sneakily climb up to the vent or whatever it is. We look at each other and head forward.

"Hey, look there's a door. Let's go!" Emma exclaimed. When we opened the door there was a blast of wind. Like in the movies. Once it went away, we were there. In the halls of McKinley High. the football guys and the cheerios. Then the ones who just don't want to get slushied. I don't blame them.

"Hey look, it's the sign up sheet for New Directions!" There were other names too. Mercedes, Kurt, Artie, Tina, and Rachel with her gold star sticker behind her name. Like always. We put our names on the list too.

"What do we do now?" I ask Emma.

"I have no idea." Suddenly we were spinning. Everything was a blur. Then it stopped. We are in the auditorium. Mr. Schuester calling us up. I guess we are doing this together. Why did I do this? I suck at singing.

"Wait, what are we going to sing?"

"Another question; I have no idea," then Emma adds, "Party in the U.S.A.?"

"O.K. if I remember the words when we're out there." Then we went up to the stage as soon as Kurt was done singing.

We knew most of the song.

"...yaaaa, there's a party in the U.S.A.!" Just then we were spinning again. We are now in the glee room.

"...Sit down, you're rocking the boat."

"Sweet!" I half yelled, half whispered to Emma.

"Totally!" Spinning. Again. Still, we are in the glee room. This time Finn is here. We are singing disco. Rachel almost kicks Mercedes in the face. Again with the spinning.

"She take my money! When I'm in need! Yaaa!" We sing the rest of the song with the other glee club. We love this song. We start spinning. When we stop we are in the hallway with Kurt. if this keeps happening I'm going to be sick. Just then we get slushied. All three of us.

"Wow! That's a lot colder than I imagined!"

"Well they were kinda giving you guys a favor. Your guys' fashion sense is horrible," Kurt siad a little hurtfully, "Look, if you let me I can help you guys fix your wardrobes."

"Yes, please!" we both say in unison.

"Meet me at the mall after school." We started spinning again. It is now the diva off. It is between Rachel and Kurt. We look down and smile at each other. We have completely new clothes. We then spin. I'm getting kinda used to it.

"I's the spiral staircase!" Emma exclaimed.

"We're in Dalton Academy!" I observe, "Wait there's singing." We turn the corner and there are the Warblers.

"I remember this. They're singing I Want You Back!"

"When I had you to myself; I didn't want you around. Those pretty faces always make you stand out in a crowd."

"It's Sebastian!" Emma and I scream in unison.

"Really why the spinning!?" I ask to mostly myself. We end up in the auditorium.

"...The Dalton Academy Warblers!"

"Come on and stand. Up again. Stand you're gonna run again. Don't give up you're gonna see tomorrow. You'll be on your feet again."

"It's regionals!" I shout to Emma.

"Well yeah. We've been practicing for a while. You should already know that." Finn shouted to us.

"Come on stand. Up again. Come on and stand. Stand you're gonna run again. You have the power to face your demons, no matter..."

"I still can't believe this!" After they were done with that song they sing Glad You Came.

"The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here at now. My universe will never be the same. I'm glad you came... you cast a spell on me, spell on me. It hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me. And I decided you look well on me, well on me, so let's go somewhere no one else can see, you and me. Turn the lights out now..." Emma and I sang along with the Warblers. After they finished the song we started spinning and ended up at nationals in New York. Apparently Sebastian came to cheer us on.

"And the winner is..." Emma and I hold hands. Both our hands are shaking. I'm so nervous. I see Kurt and Blaine hold hands and smile.

"New Directions!" We won? Against Vocal Adrenaline? Wow, this is amazing! We start spinning and end up at Dalton Academy again. We are at the spiral staircase. Blaine is proposing to Kurt!

"Yes!" Yay! I look to Emma. She is trying to keep from screaming. We start spinning. We are now at Kurt and Blaine's wedding. I seriously still can't believe this happening. It's been like a dream come true.

We are now standing in McKinley High. the halls are empty. Blaine Kurt and Sebastian are with us.

"You just go through the door you went through when you ended up here," Sebastian tells us, "But, this time think of your school." We then say our thank yous and goodbyes and walk through the door.

We end up back where we started. We go back down to the gym and Olivia asks what we've up to. She can always tell when we've done something.

"Just something awesome!" We tell her.

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