"Be safe, my love"

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Sun had hardly even peeked over the horizon when you woke up. You stretched yourself like a cat and turned to look at Thorin, who was sleeping peacefully beside you. You took your opportunity to admire his handsome features. Gingerly, so as not to wake him, you brushed a few of his tresses from his face. What did you do to deserve to be loved by this dwarf? You couldn't believe your luck. You couldn't help but recall how did you meet your lover a few months ago.

When you first time stumbled upon Thorin Oakenshield's company, they had just started their traveling toward The Shire. They were a little afraid of you at first, well who wouldn't be, you were in your enormous wolf's form. A fresh kill, a dead deer lying in front of your feet. The blood was covering your snout, and you kept staring at them, head low, baring your teeth, a low growl emerging from your throat. But when you had noticed that the dwarves didn't make a move toward your kill, you relaxed and sat down licking your lips, tilting your head a little curious. What a bunch of dwarves was doing in these parts? 

They had continued their way eventually although some of them had been peeking over their shoulders making sure you weren't following them. What you did, after you ate your fill, but without them noticing that. Tracking down 13 dwarves was easy enough, even if you didn't have that sharp scent of smell, not to mention hearing. They were a rather smelly and loud group.

One night, though, Thorin noticed the wolf's presence. He waited that his eyes were getting used to the darkness and gradually the animal's silvery-white shape was forming in his sphere of vision. She was laying down under a pine tree about 30 feet away from the camp, it's sharp muzzle on her front paws. 

Wolf's eyes dilated, capturing the fire's dim light and only the tip of her tongue was moving, when she moistened her nose from time to time so that Thorin's scent would come across clearer through her nose. It was almost intoxicating, and she had to control herself not to run over to him. Without her innated self-restraint, she would have died long ago if she had acted upon every little whim she had. But something about that dwarf was very alluring, and she was determined to find out what exactly it was.

Thorin couldn't figure out why the wolf was following them. It wasn't because it couldn't hunt for herself and besides, the animal that size hardly had any natural enemies to worry about. 

So why did that enormous wolf was following them?

When the others had learned that she was on their trail, they were nervous. But little by little they became accustomed to it when they noticed that wolf did nothing, only followed them. 

And then it happened. 

When everyone else was fast asleep and Thorin was at guard duty for tonight, he saw it... a small woman heading his way cautiously. He had beckoned her to come closer and when she had sat down next to him and started talking Thorin had learned that she was the wolf who had been following them all this time. 

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