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Mother's are supposed to be
there through thick and thin. And
if they are not, it is a sin.

Mothers are annoying, and
really work on your last
nerve. After all, we did give
them those curves.

Mothers do whatever they
have to do because they care
They are to work hard and
we are to tolerate them, that
seems fair.

Mothers may be difficult and
straight up trippin'. But that
doesn't mean that they aren't
our mothers who are to love
us. Whether standing up or
just sittin'.

Ugh, I'm hating my momma right now. I hate when she kisses up to my younger brother.

He just loves to guilt trip here to get what he wants... And that's attention. It drives me nuts but yeah... I'm sitting in Woolworths while they go shopping for my brother's things.. Whatever...

Sorry for the long ass rant, guys.. Also, shout out to my sisters on Wattpad, Poodle_Jones & WriterIAmNot😍



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