The principal is short with black hair and black eyes. He wears wide orange glasses, and he has a mustache. He wears a light pink shirt underneath a blue sweater vest with a blue diamond checker pattern. He also wears a purple tie, tan pants, and dark brown shoes.


"How may I help you tall fella?" He asked joyously.

"Oh. uhmm. I. Uhmm...." I stuttered, c'mon I still stutter.

"Yes?" He asked again.

"I am the new student here." I asked quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"OHHHH. YOU must be the new student here. I recieved a phone call which is from Phyllis." He said quite cheerfully

No way. Phyllis said it. Oh no. I might get some unnecessary attention. Especially to the Part-Time Villain.

"Yes. I am." I said nervously.

"Come in. Come in." He said making way for me to enter. When I enter, I bumped my head the top of the frame door. Why must these doors be so short, maybe I am just too tall. When I entered, I sat down on the chair infront of principal Larry. Then he sat down and looked at me.

"SO!!! You up for it?" He asked.

"Uhmm. Up for what exactly sir?" I asked.

"Don't need to the 'sir' there fella, you can just call me 'Larry' or 'Principal Larry'. You will call me 'Larry' When we are just talking, just the two of us. You will call me 'Principal Larry' When we are talking in public. You know the last time I was called 'Larry' it was......" Then he continued blabbering about it.

"Uhmm. Sir?" I tried to get his attention.

"I told you, just call 'Larry'. We are the only people here. So dropped down the 'Sir'." He said.

"OK. Si..... I mean. Larry." I tried to get it right.

"Now that is more like it." He said.

"Now. Up for what Larry?" I asked him again.

"For the school? Silly." He said it like it was a joke.

"I think I am up for it." I said.

"That's good. You're in." He said happily.

"That's it?" I flabbergasted at his statement, trying to figure out what he is said.

"'That's it' what?" He asked.

"I mean. There is no reśume or something like that?" I asked.

"Nope." He said with a 'pop' at the end of 'nope'.

"Are you sure." I am trying to make sure of it.

"Yup." He said with another 'pop'.

"OK then." I said.

"Welcome to Middleburg Central High." We shook hands as a sign of I am in.

"Thank you. Larry." I replied.

"Here's your schedule." He gave me my schedule, which I took thanking him.

"Now, I am just gonna call someone to fetch you and go to your class." He said. He pressed the button for the intercom.

Penn's POV

I was in my art class with Sashi, and Boone. Again, we are trying to impress our art teacher, and guess who he is. Yup. Rippen, or in another words, he is the Part-Time Villain. Me being a Part-Time Hero with Sashi being a Part-Time Sidecick and Boone being a Part-Time Wiseman, we have to fight Rippen and Larry in order to maintain the balance in the infinite multiverse. I am almost finish painting myself being in a Zeus physiology then the speaker turn on.

HOW IN THE WORLD AM I HERE?! (Sashi x OC) (Very Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now