6 || Can? I¿ Show? You¿ Something? Please.

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Len ushered you over to a couple of beanbags sitting in the right corner of the room. As you fell comfortably back into the beanbags, Len took his laptop from his desk. Eager to find out what he was going to show you, you inched forward, peering closer as he came to sit right beside you. You felt your face start to go red so you rested your chin into your palms, hoping your hands would help to cover the crimson-red in your cheeks. His fingers skimmed across the laptop, pushing it open gently as the screen came to life. The light stood out amongst the darkness of his room, a stranger which didn't seem to belong. However once your eyes adjusted, you couldn't believe what was displayed on the screen. Len leaned backwards in his seat, turned away from you.

Displayed on the screen was the most detailed and beautiful drawing of Miku, floating freely as if she were weightless, ribbons curved around her body, enveloping her frame. She was like cold water on a hot summers day, a breath of fresh air when all you'd breathed in your whole life was the toxic fumes of the city and urban life. She mirrored the nightlife, asleep at day, but wide awake at night. She was beautiful. You could only wish that Len perceived you the same way that he did her.

"Len, it's beautiful," you whisper, although you can't help but inch further away from the laptop, feeling something rush over your body, stabbing you in the gut.

"Do you think Miku will like it?" Len asked, positioning his body towards you, head tilted slightly, eyebrow raised.

"I...I think she'll like it...." You stammered, giving him a slight nod. His lips cracked into a small smile, but you couldn't tell if it reached his eyes--it was either the bright screen that was captured within his eyes, or his genuine happiness that shone.

"I don't normally show people my art. It's kinda just a hobby of mine that nobody knows about. I'm just hoping Miku appreciates it...and, I mean, I hope you think it's cool, too."

"Definitely! Len...it's amazing. Do you sell your art or do commissions?"

"Uhh, I don't do either of those things...never thought to, really..." he said, scratching the nape of his neck.

"What? I reckon you should! You'd make a killing!"

"You really think so?"

You didn't have the time to respond, because as soon as the words left Len's mouth, the door to his room came flying open, followed by the voice of Lenka. Len forced his laptop shut, and you ducked, hoping Len's bed would cover you.

"Len! What are you doing up so late?" You could hear the tapping of Lenka's foot against the carpeted floor and could almost imagine the posture she would hold, arms crossed, stern look on her face. Len sunk back into the beanbags, unsure of what to say.


"Len, I don't want to hear it. Just put your laptop back on your desk and get into bed." Lenka had a very soothing voice. She remained calm and quiet. Len did as he was told, placing his laptop down on his desk. You held your breath. How had Lenka not noticed you?

"Make sure you behave, Len. Remember, your father and I are away for a week, so make sure you do as you're told."

"Yeah, I will. Have a nice time."

You could hear Lenka kiss Len goodbye, followed by someone else who entered the room. You could only assume it was Rinto, who also said goodbye. Eventually, Len jumped into bed, pulling the covers over himself before leaning over to talk to you.

"Hey, it's all good now. Sorry about that," he muttered. You looked up, and could notice his face was red, even in the darkness.

"It's okay," you assured him, cracking a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah," Len said, giving a faint nod as you stood up as quiet as possible to exit his room.

Running Wild //Len x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now