"Hi." I squeaked, my voice coming out quieter than I had planned it to.

"What's your name?" He asked, sitting on the swivel-stool chair next to me. He scooted closer.

"Nora." I said, my voice still quiet. I felt intimidated by him, almost as if his tattoos would bite me.

"Well, Nora, what are you interested in getting tattooed on you?" Luke asked, grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Just something small, a sun and moon on the side of my index finger." I said, taking the pencil and paper from him. I laid the paper on my lap, then drew a simple moon and sun.

Luke's face went from polite and happy, to annoyed and bored. I furrowed my eyebrows, had I done something wrong?

"Of course..." Luke muttered, rolling his eyes.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You would get a tattoo like that, it's a basic thing that white girls get. It's not even like a legitimate tattoo, it's a stupid one, if you ask me," Luke commented as he got his supplies ready. I felt slightly offended by what he had just said. Who was he to judge what tattoo I was getting? I didn't have to take his bullshit, I could tell the man who had helped me earlier, and get Luke in trouble!

"That's cool, but I didn't ask you." I said harshly, and Luke glanced up at me, his baby blue eyes meeting my gray ones.

"Sassy." Luke said under his breath, shaking his head and chuckling to himself.

I didn't like this boy very much.

"Can you just give me the tattoo? I came here for the tattoo, not your insults." I muttered, and Luke grabbed my arm, taking me by surprise.

He laid it on the arm rest of the leather chair, then trailed his fingers down to my hand, causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.

When Luke saw the goosebumps, he looked up at me, his lip ring inbetween his teeth, a smirk tugging on his lips. I felt myself blush, and once I did so, Luke went back to my hand. He took out a wipe, and started cleaning the area where I would be getting the tattoo.

Once he finished cleaning it, I noticed him grab the tattoo machine, and turn it on.

Luke brought it close to my skin, but then took it away, and glanced up at me, "You gonna stop shaking your feet?" He asked, and I then realized that my feet had been tapping on each other. It was a way to calm myself, I guess.

Luke once again took the machine closer to my skin, and the closer it got, the more I realized that this was actually happening. I was getting a tattoo, and it would be on me forever. Excitement and fear were pumping through my veins, hand in hand.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain, and yelped, slightly jumping in my chair.

Luke glanced up at me, "Stay still or else you'll have a squiggly line instead of a moon on your finger."

"You could've told me that you were starting!" I whined, and Luke rolled his eyes.

"I would think that if some stranger was holding a needle to my skin, that I would be watching them very closely."

"Well, sorry." I said, blushing. I didn't like this boy very much.

Luke went back to giving me my tattoo, and once the needle laid back on my skin, I bit my lip. It hurt so much, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to continue.

"So, how old are you?" Luke asked, his eyes still focused on my finger.

"Eighteen, that's why I'm here, actually. My birthday was yesterday, and I'm treating myself to a present, and the present was a tattoo."

"Happy day-late birthday," Luke said, "I'm nineteen."

"I didn't ask how old you were." I said, sounding snottier than I had meant to.

"I don't care, I thought I would just say it, no need to get mean about it."

There was about thirty seconds of silence after that, but Luke spoke again.

"What do you like to do?" He asked, and I wanted to groan out loud. Why was he being so nice to me, when five minutes ago he was being a dick?

"I guess I like music... I also like writing."

"What kind of music?" Luke asked, glancing up at me with interest.

"I dunno, bands? I also like a little bit of country."

Luke stuck out his tongue in disgust, "Country is terrible."

"Your opinion." I noted.

"Whatever," He mumbled, "What bands do you like?"

"I'd have to say either Pink Floyd or Coldplay."

Luke nodded, "Good music taste."

"Thanks, I think?"

There was silence that overcame the two of us, and minutes later, Luke turned off the tattoo machine.

"All done." He said, rubbing the palms of his hands on his black jeans. I was shocked at how I hadn't felt the pain of the needle for half the time it took to do the tattoo.

"Can I leave now?" I asked, not sure how this worked.

"No, I still need to cover it so that you don't ruin the tattoo or hurt yourself in any way." Luke mumbled, digging through some stuff on the small table next to him.

He applied some clear layer ontop of the side of my finger, then let go of my hand.

"You can look at it now, if you want." He said.

As I brought my hand up to my face to inspect the tattoo, I noticed Luke watching me very closely.

Even though Luke had been a dick, I still appreciated the good job he did on my tattoo, so I got out a tip for him from my purse.

"Thanks," Luke smirked, taking the money from my hand. As our hands touched, the goosebumps once again appeared on my arm, making me shiver.

"You're welcome." I said awkwardly, sure that Luke had seen me get the goosebumps. And I was sure he knew that I got them because of our hands touching.

I stood up from the leather chair, adjusting my shirt before I walked towards the exit. Right as I pushed the door open, I heard Luke's voice from behind me.

"Bye babe."


okay this first chapter really wasn't good or anything, but it was a beginning so hey

the chapters for this fanfic will be longer, therefore making the waits just a little bit longer also, but not too long.

comment if i should continue this because i really need the feedback (:

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