~* Day 6: Camp is fun, when you have someone to love. *~

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V'as Happening boys!

How's my rushers.

Last chapter was VERY hectic. ^_^

Okay today's picture is I can put it up is Kendall <3

Music is from One Direction. Gotta be you.

Louis Tomlinson is hawt*_*

Anyways, enjoy this chapter. Working hard on it and crap.

Oh and I would like to congratulate my bestie @wolfpanda ALYSSA! she got her permit today! I'm so proud of you girlie. This chapter is dedicated to you!

~*Carlos P.O.V.*~

Last night was a verification of Me and Logan's relationship. 

My arms were around Logan's waist. I buried my head into his shoulder. He was sound asleep. I let myself go and walked over to the bathroom. I took of my pajamas and headed into the shower. The steam of the water made me think.

Was last night real?

I shook my head.

I reached over for the Dove Micro-beads soap. It smelt like vanilla and Logan loves vanilla. I watched my armpits and all my parts. After 10 minutes I hop out the shower. I put on my purple tank top and blue surfing trunks.

I walked out and fixed my hair. I saw Logan standing up stretching himself.

He looked over to me. With his soulful brown eyes.

"G'morning babe!" He began flashing a smile. He walked pass me to the bathroom. I heard the shower run. So I knew he must've been taking a shower.

I look behind me and do a little wave. I head back outside and see Kelly and Lucy sleep in the same bed.

I let out a big sigh.

"Morning Bro!" Screamed Kendall. He was waving and smiling. His smile was big and white.

I chuckled.

"Good Morning Ken-" I was interrupted by Logan walking in.

He was wearing skinny jeans which were kinda sagging. He had a studded belt and a Du-rag hanging from a pocket. He was wearing a red v-neck and a red and beige cardigan with it. (What he wore in the video time of our life) He was wearing sunglasses and his hair was gelled. He had black boots on.

My mouth dropped.

"Dayum Logan!" I shrieked. 

"What! It's 74 degrees out. I wanna be warm." He complained. Taking of his sunglasses and hooking them on his shirt.

My mouth hung open. I could feel drool dripping down.

"Babe, close your mouth. You don't what flies flying in." He joked. Smirking.

I suddenly closed my mouth and began to say:

"C'mon we're going hiking today." I began. "Only me and you Logan. Okay?" I emphasized, making sure he understood.

He nodded his head and walked with me to begin our hiking adventure.

I was majorly inlove with him.

~*Logan's P.O.V.*~

Carlos and I were going hiking. I didn't know why.. Why so sudden? Why so quickly? Why me and him alone? Bunches of questions were going through my head. Half of my brain was filled with song lyrics. Which I dont know why; the other half was filled with thoughts about me and Carlos: Was this relationship going to last? Was it a real relationship or a stepup? Does he really love me?

Ugh! Stop thinking about that!

I took a deep sigh.

We reached the trial and Carlos stopped and took a sniff of the daisies.

"The daisies remind me of you." He says. Continuing to sniff it.

"How?" I question, "A daisy is so girly, and stuff. How in God's heaven am I girly?" I protested; I was kind've offended.

"Daisies smell like vanillia, you smell like vanillia; Daisies are pretty, and your a pretty boy." He responded. Very smart.

I opened my mouth to say something but the ground started to shake.

"EARTHQUAKE!!" I heard Audel scream, everyone was running and screaming.

"CARLOS, CARLOS! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" I demanded. I was scared as hell.

I grabbed Carlos' hand and we ran out the trail. I tripped on a root.

"Carlos' I can't get up!" I screamed, struggling.

Carlos tried to help me but then the ground slipt. Dividing us.

"LOGAN!" He cried. He tried to reach me but almost fell into the fault.

The fault was about 30in thick. I couldn't hop over. My ankle was bleeding and throbbing.

"CARLOS!!!!!!!!" I was in tears by now; not only my boyfriend and us were seprated by a fault; my ankle was bloody and sizzling.

Then everything went black; That last thing I heard was Carlos' voice. The last thing I saw was Kelly and Audel running, but my eye sight was blurry. Stars were floating around.

Something bad has happened.

The Kiss Changes Everything. [BoyxBoy; Cargan story]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя