First Meeting

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Diablo's POV

Katie: Heyo friendino ^w^

Diablo: Hey chica

Katie: u still at that warehouse with ur old man???

Diablo: Nah Estoy cazando elefantes -_-

Katie: ... what?

Diablo: nothing, and yeah I'm still here

I suddenly feel a someone slap the back of my head.

"¿Qué crees que estás haciendo en tu teléfono? ¿Estás intentando guiar a la policía directamente a nosotros?" (What do you think you're doing on your phone!? Are you trying to lead the police straight to us!!?)

I rub the back of my head, apologize, and just put my phone away. Geez, I don't see why I had to come along, he's even making me wear a suit and everything; I wonder what's so important about this meeting. It's been about an hour and a half since then, and the guy that my old man was just now walkin' through the door. Behind him was a tall, burly man and behind that guy was....a little girl? Is she his daughter? Why would he bring his daughter here? When he got about an arm's length from us my old man started talking,

"Señor Gonzo it's so nice of you to accept my offer."

My old man looks at the little girl and says,

"I see you've brought your boy with you, I guess we both had the same idea"

Wait that's a boy!? I start to really look at this kid and I guess he has some boyish features; I guess I thought he was a girl because his hair was pretty long, it came down to his chest. What, is this kid scared of the barber? His eyes are pretty though, they're like caléndulas; he's actually pretty cute. I wonder how old he is....¿Que pasa conmigo? El niño es bastante jailbait! (what's wrong with me? The kid is pretty much jailbait!) I see the kid quickly avert his eyes, blushing, before hiding behind the big guy; I guess he saw me staring at him. I start to zone out and start thinking about if this'll be over soon, maybe I'll be able to catch a movie with Katie and Jackson. I suddenly hear Señor Gonzo start to yell,

"Are you trying to make a scemo(fool) outta me!?"

My old man replied,

"No no Señor I'd never think of trying to scam you."

He then pulled his gun out and said,

"But I Will end you! Tan largo señor!"

He then started firing at Señor Gonzo; I ran like a scared little cobarde(coward) and hid behind some crates. I then see the big guy carry the kid to where I am before dropping him off and telling him to stay where he was; he cocked his gun and ran towards the other two. I don't think he knows I'm behind here too, but this kid cryin' and shakin' like crazy. I gotta get outta here, but I don't wanna leave him here; gosh I'm such a nice person. I grab him by his shoulders and yell,

"C'mon kid we gotta get outta here!"

He looks at me for a good five seconds before yelling,

"I'm NOT gonna leave my dad here to DIE!!!"

He then stands and look down at me before saying,

"And if you're not gonna help me, then stay outta my way."

With that statement he starts to run from behind the crates, I then pull him to the ground be his wrist when I hear a gunshot. He bites my hand and I let go of him. He runs to where we heard the gunshot come from; when he does that I hear another gunshot, then a thud. The kid then says,

"....Zachary...where's dad?"

As he says that I see him look down and of all the emotions the only I can see in his pure shock.

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