chapter 2

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When I walked into class on Monday I made sure to keep my eyes glued to the ground. The last thing in the entire world I wanted was to see either Grayson or Connor. I figured if I kept my eyes on my shoes all day I could pretend they didn't exist. That lasted as long as it took for me to get to my locker because Connor was standing there waiting for me. He was attractive in a very typical way. Neatly styled dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile that said his parents had money.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you?" He asked. I ignored him as I entered my combination into my locker. He sighed. "Come on, don't be like that. So you made a mistake? You and I can get past this."

My head whipped to the side so fast I almost got whiplash, "Me? What the hell did I do?"

He looked at me like I was dumb. "Kiss Dolan?"

I was just about to go off when suddenly Grayson stepped right in between us, cupped my cheek and immediately placed his lips on mine, pulling me into a deep kiss. Practically as a reflex I stepped into him and continued the kiss before my brain could catch up and wonder what the hell I was doing. His tongue gently grazed my bottom lip and I completely lost myself in the wonderful way our mouths were moving together.

"This is unbelievable," Connor muttered before smashing his hand into a locker and walking away.

Grayson pulled away and shot me that crooked grin of his. "You looked like you needed saving." All I could do was stare at his slightly swollen pink lips and wonder why they weren't touching mine anymore.

I was so shaken from the kiss I could barely reply. "Um, thanks?" I muttered.

He shrugged. "What are lab partners for?" With that he turned and left me standing in the hallway dumbfounded. The bell rang and shook me from my daze. I couldn't believe Grayson had just kissed me. I had no kissed him twice... and that was two times too many.

I started to walk to class trying to comprehend what had just happened when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and yanked my into an empty classroom.

"What the hell?" I yelled.

My kidnapper was none other than Rachel Gates, one of Grayson's most recent victims/exs. Also in the room with us was Sabrina Dalles and Megan Miller. "Can I help you guys?" I snapped.

This was a strange combination of girls standing before me. None of them were friends, in fact Rachel and Megan were notorious enemies constantly running against each other for class president. Sabrina was on the cheerleading team and wouldn't be caught dead associating with these two, let alone me. The only thing they all had in common was that they each dated Grayson and were dumped by him publicly.

Sabrina spoke first, "We need your help, Y/N." My mind instantly started spinning. What the hell could these three need my help for? I was honestly surprised she even knew my name.

"My help? What could I possibly help you with?" I asked.

Rachel looked at me, "Grayson Dolan must die."

I didn't respond for a minute as I looked at each one of them. Maybe it was because of the intense kiss I was still reeling from, but I couldn't wrap my head around what they were saying.

"What?" I squeaked. "You want to... kill Grayson?" They were fucking crazy. This whole situation was fucking crazy. And I was pretty sure that I was missing a quiz in math and I didn't think being recruited into some weird murder group was a valid enough excuse to get a make up quiz.

"No, you idiot," Megan said. "We want him to die socially." She turned to Rachel, "I told you she couldn't do it. She's dumb and she's not very pretty." My jaw dropped. I didn't think I was ugly or dumb, I considered myself average on both fronts. But damn she just had to come for my life like that. I was pretty offended. Her highlights were grown out but you didn't see me putting her on blast for that.

 Rachel was about to respond but I cut her off. "Ok wow, I'm standing right here?" I waved sarcastically. They ignored me. "And for your information, I'm usually considered decent looking so like..."

"It doesn't matter if we like her or not, what matters is that Grayson likes her," Rachel said.

I laughed dryly. "If you think Grayson likes me I can stop you guys right there, because he definitely doesn't." Grayson liking me? That was the funniest thing I had heard all day. He especially doesn't like me after I refused to let him copy my homework.

"We just saw what happened in the hallway. You expect us to believe he doesn't like you after that?" Sabrina said. A shrug was my only response. I still had no idea what had just happened in the hallway. "It doesn't matter he if likes you or if he doesn't right now, you have his attention and with our expertise we can make him fall in love with you."

"I'm so lost," I said. "I thought you wanted him to die socially? What does making him fall in love with me have to do with anything?"

Megan's eyes bugged out of her head like she was getting ready to lose it. Before she could go off, Rachel explained, "We want you to make Grayson fall in love with you, and then we want to smash his puny little black heart into so many pieces that he will never be able to put it back together again. While you are working on the whole love thing, us three will slowly begin to ruin his social life. Tougher the four of us will make sure that Grayson Dolan becomes a shell of a person and never breaks another girls heart again." 

"Or guys," Sabrina chimed in. "Jake's still a little sensitive from Gray rejecting him."

"That sounds like a really great plan, super well thought out and all. But, like I don't want to do it. Call me crazy, but I have better things to do than chase after Grayson," I said. The bell signaling class rang and I sighed. Mr. C was going to kill me for being late again, I was definitely looking at detention after school. "Listen, I appreciate the offer to be part of your little club, its truly an honor, but I have to get to class."

"Wait, Y/N, you don't really have a choice here," Rachel said pulling out her phone.

"I'm sorry what?"

She handed me her phone and the screen showed a video of Connor and I doing some compromising things. I could feel my cheeks burning as humiliation and fear raced through my body. This could not be happening to me. I looked up at them completely at loss for words.

"That's the only copy of the video, I found it on Connor's phone and sent it to myself before deleting it." Rachel took her phone back from me. "If you don't help us, I'll make sure the whole school sees this. We don't want to do it, but we just need assurance that you'll help us and follow through with the plan. We can't have you falling for Grayson."

Tears were welling up in my eyes, how could they do this to me? How could Connor do this to me? "I mean... okay? I guess I don't have a choice then." This was terrible I didn't want any part of this. I had managed to run under the radar for the most part all of high school, and now suddenly senior year I was going to become the next dumb girl vying for Grayson's attention. 

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